TNA iMPACT Results – October 30, 2008

Highlights aired from last week’s live broadcast… The new HD opening montage aired… A shot of the Impact Zone showed a cool video screen with the TNA logo and a light show on the stage…

(full results after the jump!)

A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe walked to the ring with mics in their hands. Styles said he’s happy that Mick Foley is in TNA, but he said they would fight the battle on their own. He said he’s been in TNA for six years. He said he’s grown along with TNA. Styles ran through the wrestlers who make up the Main Event Mafia. He said three of the four were responsible for another company going out of business.

Styles complained that some of the younger wrestlers who he considers family didn’t come out to help him and Joe last week. “They’re not going to give you anything in TNA, you’re going to have to take it,” Styles said. He invited the younger wrestlers to come out and stand with him and Joe.

Jay Lethal’s entrance theme played and he walked to the ring. Moments later, Consequences Creed, ODB, Eric Young, and Petey Williams came out and shook hands with Styles and Joe. Samoa Joe started to talk, but he was interrupted by the awful Motor City Machine Guns entrance music.

Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin entered the ring and said all the people were being brainwashed by Joe. He asked why they should fight in his war. Joe said it’s “our war” and said they were either in or out. Joe said the war is about everyone’s future. He said it’s in the best interest of Sabin and Shelley to join them and fight the people who have kept him out of the main event picture.

Shelley responded that he wished Joe had a breath mint. Joe assumed Shelley was wondering what he’d done for him. Joe slapped Shelley across the face. Sabin held back Shelley.

The Main Event Mafia walked onto the stage wearing suits. Kurt Angle took the mic and said the wrestlers in the ring are disgraces to themselves, TNA, the fans, etc. Angle said the Mafia is a family. He received some cheers. Angle said his faction has over 75 years of combined experience. Kurt said they didn’t ask for the war, they just wanted a thank you.

Kevin Nash took the mic and said he tried to teach Joe how to act. He brought up Scott Hall missing a pay-per-view way back when and said he missed it because Joe wasn’t worth it. “In retrospect, he was right.” Nash played on the old NWO line by saying that if they want a war, they’ve got a war.

After all the serious talk, Booker T took the mic and used his African accent. Booker said the war starts now and predicted that none of the wrestlers in the ring would be left by the end of the year. Booker held up five fingers and said, “It’s all about the five.” Mike Tenay and Don West wondered whether that meant there was going to be a fifth member…

[Q2] Backstage, Jeremy Borash asked Jeff Jarrett what he was going to do about the Mafia. Jarrett said he wasn’t going to do anything. He said he was confident the young guys could handle it. Mick Foley entered the room and told Borash that he was going to have a chat with his old buddy Sting. Jarrett excused himself by saying he had to take “a Kurt”…

Backstage, Lauren tried to interview the Beautiful People and Cute Kip. Angelina Love pointed out that they were broadcasting in HD and therefore everyone at home can see every pimple and wrinkle on Lauren’s face. Angelina mocked Christy Hemme for thinking she’s a wrestler, and suggested she stick to Playboy. Velvet Sky questioned whether ODB is “a dude or a tranny.” She said she’s about as feminine as Rosie O’Donnell. All three cringed at the mention of Rosie’s name…

1. ODB and Christy Hemme defeated Velvet Sky and Angelina Love (w/Cute Kip) in 4:00. Love suffered the throat injury I mentioned earlier today when she took an elbow or a forearm to the throat from Hemme. She reached for her throat right away and then stayed on the ground even after she tagged out. She eventually got back and broke up a pin attempt by the babyfaces. In the end, ODB hit her finisher on Sky and scored the pin…

Backstage, Lauren asked the Guns about their beef with Joe, who showed up. Sabin said he wanted to wipe the slate clean. He said the Guns were willing to join Joe and his crew. Joe was skeptical. “When the guns are firing, we’ll see if the Guns are shooting back,” he said…

[Q3] Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Eric Young about his decision to join Joe and Styles. Young dropped the nervous routine and played it straight…

2. Eric Young defeated James Storm (w/Jacqueline, Robert Roode) in 2:25 The pryro didn’t startle Young during his entrance for once. He looked back and smirked this time. Jacqueline debuted a new professional look. At 2:00, Young kicked out of the Eye of the Storm. Moments later, Roode spat beer toward Young, but he ducked and the beer sprayed Storm’s eyes. Young rolled him up for the win. After the match, the Guns ran out and saved Young from a two-on-one attack…

A TNA Knockouts video aired… Backstage, Lauren caught up to Taylor Wilde and Roxxi, who were carrying weapons. Roxxi cussed while telling Lauren that they were going after Awesome Kong… [C]

An “I Am Suicide” vignette aired… At ringside, Tenay and West discussed the new look of the Impact Zone, which really does look sharp. They hyped Joe and Styles vs. Booker and Nash for later in the show, and Angle vs. Abyss as the main event…

Backstage, Jeremy Borash was about to interview Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed when Taylor and Roxxie entered the room and attacked them from behind with weapons. They took out Saeed and then teamed up on Kong until she was left lying….

[Q4] [C] 3. Motor City Machine Guns defeated Tanahashi and Volador at 3:30. Sheik Abdul Bashir joined the announcers on commentary. He spent most of his time talking about how he deserves the same freedom of speech as everyone else. After the Guns pinned Volador, Bashir threw a fit on commentary because he wanted the international team to win. Bashir entered the ring and yelled at Volador. Rhino came out and gored Bashir… [C]

[Q5] Backstage, Lauren interviewed Christian Cage about Booker T’s challenge. He accepted the match with the stipulation that he’ll have to join the Main Event Mafia if he loses. Cage vowed to take Booker’s title and said he’d remain on his own side…

4. Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles beat Kevin Nash and Booker T (w/Sharmell) in 10:45. After 90 seconds of action, the match cut to commercial. [C]

[Q6] After 10 minutes of ho-hum action, Styles pinned Booker while Joe had Nash locked in his submission finisher. AFter the match, a group of younger wrestlers ran out to congratulate Joe and Styles…

Backstage, Lauren interviewed Abyss and Matt Morgan. Abyss said he was nursing a flesh wound. Mogran flipped out and said Abyss isn’t mentally or physically read for the match with Angle… [C]

At ringside, the announcers previewed the rest of the show… Another Cross The Line video aired… Highlights aired from last week of the Mick Foley and Kurt Angle segment…

Backstage, Borash interviewed Sting, who said no one has confirmed for him that Foley is actually his boss. He said he hasn’t talked to Foley in over 10 years and is entering their meeting with an open mind. “I just hope that he doesn’t try to close it,” Sting said… [C]

[Q7] Mick Foley walked to the ring with a mic in hand. He announced Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe, and Sting vs. A.J. Styles for the TNA Title at the Turning Point pay-per-view. Foley invited Sting to join him in the ring. Sting walked out wearing a suit and shades, and had the title belt draped over his shoulder.

Foley said he believes it was Sting who put him on the map back in 1991. He explained that he’s wondered where his career would have gone had it not been for Sting because people didn’t know Cactus Jack back in those days. Foley said he was surprised to see Sting aligned with the Main Event Mafia. Foley said there were young wrestlers who were trying to make a difference week in and week out.

Foley said Sting should be the glue that holds all the pieces together. He said Sting is acting like a wedge that’s driving all the pieces apart. Sting said he wanted to be the glue, but what he had to say was rejected by Joe and Styles. Sting pointed out that Foley has respect for Terry Funk and said that’s the type of respect that is missing in TNA. Foley said they had to agree to disagree. Sting agreed, but told Foley that it’s not his war. “It’s mine,” Sting said before leaving the ring…

Backstage, Angle shoved Borash aside to cut his promo. Angle said he’s obsessed with getting Jeff Jarrett back inside the ring. “I always get what I want,” Angle said. He said he knows what makes Jeff tick. “And you don’t want me to go there because you know I will,” Angle said… [C]

The announcers ran through the pay-per-view lineup and added Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Rhino, and Robert Roode and James Storm vs. Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA Tag Titles to the card…

[Q8] 5. Abyss defeated Kurt Angle by DQ at 11:45. The announcers spent time talking about how good Morgan is for Abyss. The wrestlers brawled into the crowd and the show cut to commercial. [C] After the break, the wrestlers were still brawling in the crowd. Abyss shoved Angle down the steps and then pulled some hair out of his own head. Ugh.

At 7:45, Angle clipped Abyss’s knee and started working over his knee and ankle. The strands of hair that Abyss pulled out were stuck to the back of Angle’s sweaty head in the unintentionally hilarious moment of the night. At 9:25, Abyss hit the Shock Treatment Backbreaker for a nearfall.

Later, Abyss went for the chokeslam, but Angle avoided it, slid through Abyss’s legs, and caught him in the ankle lock. Abyss broke free and chokeslammed Angle for a nearfall. Angle came back with the Olympic Slam a short time later. Later, Angle headed to ringside, grabbed a chair, and struck Abyss with it for the DQ.

After the match, Angle continued to attack Abyss. He pulled his shirt up and clawed at his back. Matt Morgan ran out for the save. Morgan hit Angle with a big boot to the face. Booker T and Kevin Nash ran out and attacked Morgan.

Eventually, all the babyfaces ran out to help Morgan and Abyss. Scott Steiner walked out with the lead pipe and attacked the young guys from behind. Angle, Steiner, Nash, and Booker roughed up the young wrestlers as Sting walked out wearing a suit. Sting helped A.J. to his feet. Styles spat in Sting’s face. Sting got pissed and hit the Scorpion Death Drop on Styles. The Main Event Mafia celebrated in the ring to close the show…

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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