is proud to announce another special November birthday. It’s November 22. Let’s give a huge shout-out to a fantastic musician, a guy who generally totally reeks of awesomeness, a seriously drop-dead sexy beast, and unquestionably one of the three most desirable men of the Northern Hemisphere –

Ville Valo of HIM!!!!

Oh, and BWF’s own Decidedly Un-Sinister Scotsman, Jamie Kennedy. It’s his birthday today too.


    • It really should be all about Jamie, and I hope that this post is taken for the joke that it is. 😛 I only thought about it coming off wrongly AFTER posting it, though all here are pretty quick on the uptake in matters of all things jokey. This started out as an inside joke of sorts, when I informed Jamie last year that the two of them shared a birthday. Spreading the joy to BWF now that we're all family here seemed somehow appropriate. Seriously, happy birthday, Jamie!

  1. Haha, I never knew they shared a birthday – funny considering how big a HIM fan he used to be (I was the same; not into them much anymore, though!).

    Anyway, I've wished him happy birthday on several occasions by now, but heck, one more can't hurt. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRO!

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