BWF Radio Episode 217 [PODCAST]
By thinksojoe · · Leave a Comment
This week on BWF Radio, JT Hogan lays down a challenge for WrestleMania. The guys debate about Fuller House. Then we actually talk about wrestling for a little while because we ran out of other random crap to talk about. Occasionally that happens!
In the news, The Godfather is going into the WWE Hall of Fame. A company that makes it’s money by trying to convince people it’s real has a guy pretend to actually be hurt. WWE The Music Volume 4 is trash – or at least someone found a very noteworthy copy there. The latest word on Shinsuke Nakamura. Tugboat almost headlined WrestleMania. All this, a very brief Total Divas preview, and much more on BoredWrestlingFan Radio. Tune in!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 217 (MP3, 1:34:45)
This week’s break song was “Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver” by Primus. Buy it here!
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