BWF Radio Episode 231 [PODCAST]
By thinksojoe · · Leave a Comment
This week on BoredWrestlingFan Radio, The guys talk about concerts, beer, music, movies, and bad acting. Did someone say bad acting? On a wrestling podcast? We must have been talking about the “Brother Nero” segment from this week’s Impact. Either that or Sheamus’ role in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Or maybe both. Also, people still order TNA Pay Per Views?
In the news, Brock Lesnar is booked for a fight at UFC 200 against an opponent to be named Monday night. Goldberg appears in the new WWE 2K17 video game as a pre-order bonus. Roman Reigns appears on PornHub. Jimmy Snuka is not fit to stand trial. ROH contract news, Lucha Underground roster news, John Cena endorses trash bags, and much, much more. Tune in!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 231 [MP3, 1:41:36]
This week’s break song is “The Human Stain” by Kamelot. Buy it here!
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