That’s right, we’re back, and more well produced than ever! ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G discuss this week in professional wrestling, including the effectiveness of The Rock and John Cena’s promos leading up to their showdown at WrestleMania XXVIII, the Undertaker changing dates, A-Train’s rumored return, and much, much more. Right click and save the link […]
We’re back! And hopefully I won’t mistype the link to the actual podcast this week. Check out the new format of BWF Radio! We recap the shows, and then we talk about the news around the wrestling world this week. A discussion on Hulk Hogan’s sex tape sets the tone as we talk about Consequences […]
RAW, SmackDown, IMPACT, and the news, courtesy of ThinkSoJoE, G, and JT. Who pissed G off this week? Does JT care to discuss IMPACT? Is Joe rooting for The Rock or Cena at WrestleMania? Find out this week on BWF Radio! Right click and save as the link below to download and listen! BoredWrestlingFan Radio […]
Well, BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 13 is in the books! Technical issues plagued this show at times, starting before we even recorded it. JT, G, and ThinkSoJoE discuss the week in wrestling including Elimination Chamber, RAW, Super Smackdown, the Chris Brown/CM Punk situation, and even this week’s Impact Wrestling! Joe turns the volume down on G […]
Joe, JT, and G are back to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling. Today’s topics include Jesse Sorensen’s injury, Kurt Angle’s Olympic chances, RAW’s bad editing, Impact’s bad booking, and SmackDown’s bad Elimination Chamber sell. We also discuss potential future WrestleMania opponents for The Undertaker, who might possibly attack and replace Santino, and […]
ThinkSoJoE and JT return as G continues his streak of episodes. The trio discuss the wrestling shows that took place this past week, and then provide rants on the state of the business, how wrestling fans are perceived, how “Straight Edge” and “Vegan” are presented as bad things, and much, much more. Right click and […]
It’s Sunday, and you know that means it’s time for another installment of Bored Wrestling Fan Radio. This week was a little different than our regular format. ThinkSoJoE was kidnapped, and duct-taped to a chair by Stone Cold Steve Austin, J.T. tore his quad walking across the ring, and DrowGoddess turned face in Toronto facing […]