Category Archive: That Wednesday Show

  1. The War On Everything

    Welcome to the War for another week. Let’s start off with RAW, and Lillian Garcia’s final RAW. I have not seen this episode, nor will I, due to my boycotting of WWE programming. Actually, that’s it. Infact, it’s going to be it for awhile. I am taking a leave of absence from BWF, so as […]

  2. The War On … UFC 103

    It is i, your local midweek columnist, bringing you LIVE coverage of UFC 103. The pre-show for this event can be seen on Spike. Efrain Escudero def. Cole Miller by TKO in the 1st round. Jim Miller vs. Steve Lopez.  Lopez is replacing Thiago Tavares due to injury. Miller controlled the match from the midpoint […]

  3. The War On Everything

    Welcome to the War for another week. We start proceedings with the happenings of the WWE’s latest Pay-Per-View extravaganza, Breaking Point. The event was held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the home of the infamous screwjob at the 1997 Survivor Series, and this same event, included it’s own screwjob. CM Punk, the World Heavyweight Champion, controversially […]

  4. The War On Everything

    You expected all week for a Part Deux, but Charlie Sheen beat me to it. This is the War on Everything. Welcome to the War for another week, here on the BWF network. The only column in the BWF network with it’s own theme song. WWE programming is still being boycotted unfortunately, which means, that […]

  5. The War On Everything part One

    Welcome to the War for another week .. Before I begin this week, it seems that other columns on this site are getting rave reviews. Drow wrote a piece on the Casual vs Core wrestling fan, and JT’s Randomness always gets the people talking. Yet, nobody talks about this little piece unless I mention Brett […]

  6. The War On Everything

    Welcome to the War for another week. Fresh off my coverage of the 22nd SummerSlam, I’ve saved this time to recap the event. The PPV as a whole was between average and good. I enjoyed what I saw of the first match between Mysterio and Ziggler, and all bar the ending of the TLC match […]

  7. WWE SummerSlam LIVE … and in Real-Time

    The one they call ‘Legend Killer’ here to bring you SummerSlam. Now, due to technical difficulties, I missed a portion of the event. Here’s what we’ve missed. SUMMERSLAM PRE-SHOW: 15-DIVA BATTLE ROYAL Chavo Guerrero is Guest referee. YOUR WINNER: Beth Phoenix with help from Chavo Guerrero. Post-Royale, Hornswoggle comes down to ringside, and with the […]

  8. The War On Everything

    Welcome to the war for another week. Rather than begin with the usual, I have to start with the NFL. It seems that everyone can come back from retirement/jail. Michael Vick signed a two-year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles, after spending 21 months on the inside for dog fighting. Brett Favre has come back from […]

  9. The War On Everything

    Welcome to the War for another week. First off, let’s discuss the happenings of Monday Night RAW this week from Calgary. Alberta, Canada. Hall of Famer, Sgt. Slaughter was the guest host and did nothing but annoy and piss off the Canadian fans all night. I didnt mind this, as the Sarge lapped up playing […]

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