Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone has a good day today.  Welcome to a Super-Sized edition of Random Randomness, complete with a surprise at the end (well sort of):

1. Let me get started by saying that Wrestlemania 25 ended up being a lot better than I expected.  I was expecting a lot worse, and was very surprised.  It wasn’t the best Wrestlemania of all time but it was far from the worst.
2. The Tag Team unification match was bumped from the actual broadcast to the pre show.  WTF???  This isn’t Cody zzz Rhodes vs. F@#% Eric Young, but two very talented tag teams who are over with the crowd.  Then after months of Miz & Morrison on all three programs, WWE puts the titles on Primo & Carlito.  Not that they don’t deserve them (nor do I have a problem with it), but to me it looks like a slap in the face to Miz & Morrison.  Unless they get split in the draft, then it makes sense.

3. MITB was it’s usual awesomeness, except I think the need for everyone to to a spot got a little excessive.  Come on, a Hornswoggle tadpole splash on 8 guys 2-3 times his size and they sell it.  (JT shakes head).  However, congrats on CM Punk for winning it for the second year in a row.  I think this was the direction WWE was going to go in, having Jeff Hardy win last year then Punk winning this year, but Hardy has fail a pee test an allow Punk to win it not only last year, but this ear as well.  I still think this will be the year the MITB winner loses.

4. I like Kid Rock and his performance was awesome, but I really didn’t see the point.  Especially since a match was pulled off the card for it.

5. No intros for the 25 Diva Battle Royal, after advertising that past Diva’s would bet in it and then they don’t even get an introduction.  I couldn’t tell who was who, well except for Santina, I pointed her out immediately.  Btw, congrats to Santino’s sister Santina Marella for becoming the first ever “Miss Wrestlemania!”  I couldn’t stop laughing when she won it.  (I know Santina is really Santino, but if it gets me to watch a Diva match-up, more power to it.)  Then again maybe that’s why there were no Diva introductions.

6. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat still has it.  That match-up should’ve been Steamboat vs Jericho.  There was no real point in having Piper or Snuka in it.   

7. Matt vs. Jeff was also awesome.  That is all.

8. JBL loses the IC title in less than 30 seconds, LAME.  Then he quits, EVEN LAMER.

9. HBK vs. Undertaker was definately the match of the night, possibly match of the year.  It blew me away. When Undertaker leapt over the top rope and hit the cameraman, I thought he broke his neck.  I don’t know what more to say, it was that awesome and to think that I didn’t want this match to happen, well I’ll be the first to say it, “I’m sorry. I’m an idiot for not wanting this match to happen!”  Someone should take note (cough: HHH) this is how you put on a main event match-up.

10. The triple threat match was also better than expected.  I marked out when I heard Cena’s old music, I even liked the homage to Eminem with the 100 Cena look alike’s, though it was pointless.  I actually thought at one point that he was gonna pin Big Show while making Edge tap.  But got to give credit where credit is due, if you can life 700 pounds on your back, you should be champion.  

11. That gets me to the “Main Event” HHH vs. Orton.  This was horrible.  HHH, you should not be on the last match of a Wrestlemania card EVER AGAIN for this.  I totally agree with Drowgoddess on this one, and that’s all I have to say about it.

12. The Draft it next Monday, with a special start time of 8pm.  Great another 3+ hour RAW.  And all of the draft results will be forgotten by July anyway.

13. RAW was just filler this week, just to set up the draft, pretty much.

14. Batista returns, great.  How many people will he injure now?

15.  Santina Marella is awesome.

16. So, Vicki is now the RAW General Manager, Theodore Long is now the General Manager of Smackdown, and Tiffany is the Interim General Manager of ECW.  I would prefer Long be GM of RAW, he so deserves it.  I like Tiffany as ECW General Manager, it’s something different.

17.  Great 6 man tag match this week on ECW between Miz, Morrion & Tyson Kidd vs. Primo, Carlito & Evan Bourne.  But then anytime we get the chance to see an Evan Bourne Shooting Star Press, it’s a great thing.

18.  Why are the same guy’s going after the ECW title?  It’s boring.  However I hope WWE does the right thing and make Tommy Dreamer the #1 contender to face Jack Swagger at Backlash. 

19.  I’m not gonna talk about Impact his week, because you can read about it here (cheap plug):  http://www.worldwrestlinginsanity.com/am2/publish/Impact/impact4909.shtml

20.  Santino Marella on Smackdown this week was awesome, so much that he even made The Great Khali entertaining.  Btw it would be great to have him on one program while having “Santina” on the another.  Which is the routw WWE is going with this I think.

21.  Kofi Kingston is awesome, too bad he was stuck against the Big Show this week and got killed.

22.  I have to say it Edge vs. John Cena is a great feud.  After watching them on “The Cutting Edge”  it almost makes me want to see Backlash. 

23.  Primo & Carlito fresh off their WM 25 victory to become the Unified Tag Team Champions, job to Ted DiBiase & Cody zzz Rhodes.  Great booking job WWE.

24.  Holy crap, Matt Hardy beat Jeff Hardy twice in the same week.  I’m wondering though if Jeff is hurt, because it’s way too soon to be pulling the plug on this feud.  It should hang around until at least Summerslam.

25.  Ok so here’s the surprise, last night I went to my first ever Indie show.  It was called 2CW- Living On The Edge. The card featured such wrestlers as Colin Delaney, Claudio Castagnoli, Tammy Lynn Stych (Sunny), Nigel McGuinness, & A.J. Styles.  The show was awesome and for $10 it was very much worth every penny. 

26.  WWE dropped the ball with Colin Delaney.  I hated the puny unederdog  (thought he looked bigger in person).  As a cocky chicken s*it heel, he is at his best.  The crowd chanted “You got fired” his response, “at least I was there!”  He was great.

27.  Sunny still looks hot.  She was the special referee for Portia Perez vs Sara Del Rey match. I kinda payed more attention to Sunny  than the match itself.

28.   A.J. Styles had the biggest pop.  

29.  I’m not gonna pick a match of the night becaues all of the matches were good.  All of the wrestlers worked hard and put on a great show  and  I cant wait to get it on DVD when it comes out.

30.  To find out more this is their web site:  http://www.2cwwrestling.com/

Wow.  This is my biggest article to date.  I don’t think I ever written anything this long before in my life, over 1200 words. Having said all that I’m done for this week, thanks for reading see you next time!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 3. Everyone is pissing and moaning about Punk winning and not Christian. I don't see why. If Punk tries to cash in against Cena, loses, and goes full-blown Punk awesomeness heel, and they actually feud for the long-term, that could be gold. Punk is one of the few guys on the roster who can tear Cena apart on the mic.

    4. Agreed.

    5. I still think that the way the Battle Royale played out wasn't their original plan. If it was a back-up plan, they did the best they could.

    6. Agreed.

    8. He went out on his back and Rey looked solid for beating him in 21 seconds. The live reaction was tremendous beyond words, so the match did what it was supposed to do.

    11. Thank you. 🙂

    12. True. Sad, but true.

    13. Agreed!

    14. How many people are on the roster? Plus the ring crew? And referees?

    18. Aw, thank you! Hurrah for cheap plugs!

    20. Agreed.

    23. Agreed.

    24. Oh, awesome! Did Nigel actually wrestle? I knew that he was booked for that show, but was really hoping he wasn't in a proper match.

  2. 3. I have no problem with Punk winning, as long as Kane, Mark Henry or Finaly didn't end up winning, I was happy.

    8. I'm not a big Rey Mysterio fan, so I think that explains it.

    14. lol

    24. He did, he was pretty taped up though. But that didn't stop him though, he still put in 110% and had one hell of a match.

  3. Congrats on your first indy show, I try to catch them when I can. You never know if one of the guys you're watching at one of these shows will become the next "F*#k So-and-so" or a WWE Future Endeavor.

    Examples, of course, include my first indy show, NSPW up in Niagara Falls Canada, where I saw Eric Young in the main event, with The Original Sinn (Kizarny) on the undercard, and just a few months later saw Shawn (Gavin) Spears make his pro debut while I was sitting next to his mother. TNA's Cody Deaner tore up an indy show in Buffalo a couple years back in a triple threat hair vs. hair vs. mullet match against local star Johnny Puma and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake (Beefcake put Puma to sleep, meaning Puma lost his hair but Deaner's mullet stayed in tact).

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