This is a Road Rage edition of ROH recapping the Border Wars ippv  a couple weeks ago:

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us. We then go into highlights of the sights and sounds of Border Wars.

Rundown of the card:

  1. Eddie Edwards def. Rhino
  2. The All Night Express & TJ Perkins def. The Young Bucks & Mike Mondo
  3. Jay Lethal def. Tommaso Ciampa
  4. Lance Storm def. Mike Bennett
  5. Roderick Strong def. Fit Finlay to retain the ROH TV Title
  6. Michael Elgin def. Adam Cole
  7. Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team def The Briscoe Brothers to become the ROH Tag Team Champions

Best In The World Promo with Truth Martini- He trash Talks Finlay.  Elgin’s gonna put him in an early grave.

We are informed that Davey Richards will be alone tonight since Jim Cornette had “legal issues” getting into the country and Kyle O’Reilly had a death in the family.  We then go into highlights of Steen vs. O’Reilly from a couple weeks ago.

Nigel McGuinness interviews Eddie Edwards, they talk about Steen vs. Richards

Davey Richards promo- he’s gonna end Kevin Steen tonight

Kevin Steen promo- after he wins tonight, Cornette is gonna have to call Kevin Steen World Champ.

In our only match of the evening Kevin Steen def. Davey Richards to become the new ROH World Champion. Great match.  Steen won using his piledriver and with no outside help.  Steve Corrino joined him post match and celebrated with the new champ.

Post match in the locker room, Steen while eating cake and throwing it at Kevin Kelly says that he has taken ROH hostage and is gonna love every minute of it.

We fade to black.


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