Another quick review folks so here we go:

Recap of Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards 4.

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us.

Match 1: Mike Bennett w/Maria and Brutal Bob def Adam Page

Post match beatdown of Page was broken up by Eddie Edwards.  Bennett then challenges Edwards to a match against Brutal Bob next week.  Edwards accepts while laughing.

Best In The World promo with Adam Cole-  He’s gonna cut the same promo as last week by saying that he’s gonna prove to Kyle O’Reilly that he’s a better wrestler than O’Reilly.

Steve Corino demands that Jim Cornette listen to what Kevin Steen has to say.  Steen says that he’s waiting for an answer form Cornette about his piledriver finisher.  He quotes Ricahrds saying to bring it last week.  Steen then says that he’s come out on top in every single challenge that Cornette has put in front of him and want his title match with Richards to be anything goes.

Match 2:  The Briscoe’s def Sam Shaw & QT Marshall.

After the match Truth Martini refuses to be ignored and want’s an answer to his challenge from last week.  The Briscoe’s accept.

Veda Scott with Embassy Ltd.-   Nana & Evans tried to advise Tommaso Ciampa  on other options other than the TV Title and then they left.

Inside ROH was a rundown of the Best In The World card which can be found here.

Veda Scott with Truth Martini & Roderick Strong-  Strong is whining about having to defend the belt tonight.  Martini tells him the fix is in and they leave.

Match 3: Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini def. Tommaso Ciampa w/Embassy Ltd. when Nana attacked Strong while Ciampa had him pinned.  Post match Ciampa seemes more pissed off, he gets in Nana’a face and lesves the ring without the rest of Embassy Ltd. as we fade to black.

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