Well here we are, the final show before Final Battle this Friday on ippv, will you be getting it?  Me probably not but things may change but I figured I’d get the review in before the event so here we go:

ROH Intro, no recap to start the show.

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly talk about tonights main event the Proving Ground match between ROH Champion and Michael Elgin.

We then got to a promo from Eddie Edwards who says he’s ready for Final Battle and no one will distract him.  The only one he will listen to is his trainer Dan Severn.

Match 1: Andy Ridge vs. Eddie Edwards-  Wonder who’s gonna win this one.  Truth Martini is joins on commentary for the match.  Good back and forth matchup between the two with Edwards picking up the win using the dragon sleeper.

After the match Edwards stares at Martini while Martini applauds him.

Final Battle promo with the All Night Express.

Commercial Break.

Back from break and we get a recap of the whole Tag Team Title feud centering around Wrestling Greatest Tag Team and the Briscoes.  After the recap we find out that the Briscoes were fines $5000 for their attack on Shelton Benjamin and Benjamin suffered a cracked rib.  He will be wrestling at Final Battle.

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Commercial Break

Inside ROH this week runs down the entire Final Battle card followed by a recap of events leading up to Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards 3.

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Commercial Break

Match 2 Proving Ground Match: Davey Richards vs. Michael Elgin with Truth Martini-  Richards shows here why he was voted ROH’s Wrestler Of The Year at the BWF awards.  Elgin is no slouch here either.  Great match between the two with Richards picking up the win with a rollup with 1:27 to go in the match.  After the match Elgin attacks Richards while Martini holds the title over his head.  Eddie Edwards make the save but in the process accidentally hits Richards in the head with the ROH title belt.  Richards confronts Edwards leading to a brawl between the two that a bunch of referees,  wrestlers and Cornette couldn’t stop as we fade to black.



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