Tag Archive: Added Element

  1. Victory Road 12- Opinionated Prediction

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    # Matches[4] Stipulations
    1 A.J. Styles and Mr. Anderson vs. Kazarian and Christopher Daniels Tag Team match
    2 Austin Aries (c) vs Zema Ion Singles match for the TNA X Division Championship
    3 Gail Kim (c) vs Madison Rayne Singles match for the TNA Women’s Knockout Championship
    4 Sting vs. Bobby Roode No Holds Barred match
    5 Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy Singles match
    6 Samoa Joe and Magnus (c) vs. Crimson and Matt Morgan Tag Team match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
    7 Bully Ray vs. James Storm Singles match
    8 Robbie E (c) (with Robbie T) vs TBD Singles match for the TNA Television Championship


    So we have match 1 which is the tag match between AJ Styles /Mr. Anderson vs Christopher Daniels/Kazarian for….absolutely nothing. WHat started as an intriguing set up involving the secret that Daniels unearthed and what Kaz kept wanted kept quiet is now just a feud with an added element for the returning Mr. Anderson. Because I’m assuming that they had no plans for him on his return. So I feel that the faces will lose to build momentum for Lockdown. If nothing else it looks like that TNA has formed new tag teams. How knows if the faces due win maybe Lockdown will be the blow off of the feud in a three way tag team title match.

    Austin Aries vs Zema Ion for the X Division title looks to be filler for the real match at Lockdown. I see a cheap move on Ion’s part that gets him disqualified leading to a rematch at Lockdown for the win. Don’t get me wrong it will be a competitive match that will keep the crowd awake to make it through the rest of the card. But a footnote leading to Lockdown all the same.

    Gail Kim (c) vs Madison Rayne the match that the X division will have to keep people awake through. This is really just a waste and hoping it is just filling in for the (hopefully) eventual confrontation between Gail and Sarita since that is the only person she hasn’t faced yet and would really be appreciated here. I could see this match as the final straw for Gail as far as friends go making her a lone wolf against a rejuvenated face Sarita would be appreciated or keep her heel as long as we get that match. Gail should win here because god almighty we don’t need another Killer Queen reign.

    Sting vs Booby Roode (c) should solidify Roode as a crafty and threatening force leading into Lockdown against James Storm. Otherwise it would just be a waste of the champion to get beat by Sting. Here’s to Roode winning and making himself look strong. Nashville would be better for it.

    Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy this should be Hardy’s redemption song for last year. Taking on the man who can have a good match with a broom stick. (Looking at you HHH) This should make four a good match and here’s to Hardy doing something different with his moveset instead of the wash and repeat business he could show some knew moves and bust out some classic maneuvers from the old days. Angle should go over so to extend the feud to Lockdown where Angle does best.

    Samoa Joe/Crimson vs Crimson/Morgan here here to the Joe Daddies or whatever their called. Morgan and Crimson just need to progress to the next level. Just fight already. Hopefully come Lockdown we see these two finally step to heel and face category to make the Crimson character more interesting. Because this rematch seems forced. Joe/Magnus for the win and the dissolving of Morgan/Crimson.

    Bully Ray vs James Storm we have seen this match already and on free tv as the marks would say but i guess they have to give Storm something to do until Lockdown. Storm will go over Ray and move on to Nashville.

    Saving the best for last. The Robbie E open invitational for the television title. I’m crossing my fingers that this will be resolved for going into Lockdown. Bischoff noted that now under the current regime that long term story is being created. So what looks like random heel tactics by the two Rob’s could be setting up for an eventual face to strip the belt off Robbie E I predict another jobber who will take the pin leading to Robbie getting more heat.

    So there’s my predictions in assorted order (thanks Wikipedia) A day after PPV article should verify or debunk predictions.

    pntnr out.