Tag Archive: August 11

  1. Impact Wrestling: 08/11/11


    Impact had one of their Steal-A-Views on Sunday, and I’m told it sucked… hard, actually. Nothing notable happened outside of Heath Farley lost his title to Kurt Angle in part to Hulk Hogan tossing a steel chair into the ring while the referee was getting a pretzel from the concessions.


  2. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts


    You know, I just posted the link for this week’s SmackDown review on facebook, and I realized that I didn’t get a chance to get a goofy picture of Josh Matthews into this week’s article.  So, here’s your weekly dose of “Josh Matthews is a tool.”

    Look at this tool

    Look at this tool

    Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk wrestling.


  3. Ric Flair signings in Canada postponed

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    I just thought I’d do everybody Western New York and Southern Ontario who reads this site a favor and let you all know that the Ric Flair autograph signings in Brampton, ON on August 11 and Niagara Falls, ON on August 12 have been postponed.  Which sucks, because I was excited that I was going to get to meet ‘Naitch!