Tag Archive: Bomb

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Happy New Year BWFers.  Last night was the final WWE program of the decade.  Hope you had a safe holidays.  Due to time constraints, I will only provide the results of the show. 

    Match 1:  Melina vs Alicia Fox

    Winner:  Melina via Sunset Flip Bomb

    Match 2:  Shelton Benjamin vs Vance Archer

    Winner:  Shelton Benjamin via DQ after Archer was called for a 5 count in the corner. 

    Match 3:  Cryme Tyme vs Mike Knox and Charlie Haas

    Winner:  Cryme Tyme via JTG’s Shout Out

    Main Event:  MVP and Chris Masters vs Jack Swagger and Carlito

    Winner:  Swagger and Carlito via Carlito’s Backstabber

    Have a great 2010, Peeps!  See ya next week.