Tag Archive: Brian Danielson

  1. WWE Superstars

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    It looks like we will get a look at what happened on NXT according to my DVR description.

    But first…

    Match 1:  Maryse and Jillian Hall vs The Bella Twins

    Meh…standard Diva’s match.  While the Bella’s and Maryse are hot, I HATE Diva wrestling.  Maryse hits the French Kiss for the win.  After the match, Maryse and Jillian harrass the Bella’s a little bit more until Eve Torres comes to the rescue.

    Match 2:  Vladimir Kozlov vs Random Jobber A

    If I have to tell you who wins, then there is something wrong with you.

    NXT Lookback

    In case you missed it, Michael Tarver and Daniel Bryan (who is now known by his real name of Brian Danielson) were eliminated due to their comments last week and Skip Sheffield was eliminated by the pros.

    Match 3:  Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins vs Random Jobbers B and C

    While we haven’t seen Vance Archer in a few months on WWE TV, Curt Hawkins hasn’t been for alot longer than that.  Hawkins and Archer get the win here.  I guess this is a last ditch effort for these two guys.  Very random tag team.  After the match, Archer tells everybody to pay attention.  Hawkins says it couldn’t have been that easy to forget about him.  He says they have been given contract for 30 days to make an impact.  Whatever…

    Main Event:  Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Masters

    At least this match sort of makes sense.  These are two guys looking to get in the Intercontinental Title picture.  Ziggler wins with the Zig Zag.  This was a pretty good match…too bad nobody cares about them.

    That’s it for tonight.  See ya next week.