Tag Archive: Brie Bella

  1. WWE RAW 5/13/14 – Just a Car Crash Away

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    So.  You guys know how I usually do these – I watch two hours, drive to work, and watch the whole show just to remember what I watched to write it down here.  Well, I no longer drive to work – I dosed off behind the wheel and wrapped my car around a light post – and did just as much damage to the post as my totalled car.  I, however, am fine.  A few bruises and abrasions, but nothing a little OTC pain reliever won’t fix, should I feel bad enough to actually take that shit.  Oh well.  In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, the show must go on!

    Ouch.  Ow.  Aaaaahhhh.  Oh man my ribs and knees hurt – yet nothing is actually damaged.  Oh well, screw it, let’s go.  Click the button.


  2. WWE RAW 5/5/14

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    You know, I think my couch might be a little too comfortable.  Last night I fell asleep watching Extreme Rules, which was a solid event top to bottom, and tonight I fell asleep watching RAW.  Maybe it’s just me recovering from the illness that kept me from doing this RAW review last week.  Who knows.  Maybe it was RAW that put me to sleep?  Guess we’ll find out over the next few hours.  Let’s go!

    Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.  You know my deal by now.  Watch at home, leave before it ends, watch again to review.  Just click the jump.


  3. WWE RAW 4/21/14 – Clever title here.

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    Alright.  In the interest of full disclosure, I really don’t feel like doing this right now.  I really don’t care what’s going on tonight on Monday Night RAW, and to be fully honest, I’m much more interested in the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, despite the fact that the Blues lost and as I’m typing this, the Ducks are losing.  There’s other reasons why I’m not really feeling this, but I will try to let WWE take me away from all the bullshit I’m dealing with right now.  So, screw it, let’s go!

    I only watched an hour before I left.  So, that’s fun.  Hopefully the rest of the show is better. (more…)

  4. WWE RAW 11/25/13 – Spears for everybody!

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    Last night, the seeds were planted for a unification of the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships.  Jorge wasn’t happy about it, but it left me intrigued.  What will happen tonight on Monday Night RAW?  Go watch and find out.  Let me know what happens.  Oh wait, that’s my job.  Shit.  Ok.  Forget G, I’m with Xavier Woods – It’s Morphin’ Time!

    This is the part of the review where I’m supposed to explain how my reviews work.  But you guys already know how they work.  I watch a TV show, then I tell you what happened, so that I can save you three hours of your life.  Which means, this text is only here to keep up appearances before the fold.  So stop wasting your time reading this and click the “Click to continue reading ‘WWE RAW 11/25/13 – Spears for everybody!'” link.  You know you want to…
