Tag Archive: Cody Rhodes is ok I guess

  1. WWE Night of Champions review – 6/29/08

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    Well, for a while, folks on the World Wrestling Insanity message boards were calling me NostraJOEmas (or, NoJOEdamus if you prefer), because after 7 matches, I’d correctly predicted all 7, including Kofi Kingston taking the Intercontinental Championship from Chris Jericho.  My fellow WWI posters were asking me for lottery numbers and the dates of their deaths.  Then John Cena lost to Triple H.  SmackDown left Night of Champions the same way it came in – the home of two World Champions.  RAW’s top champion, Kane, lost his title to ECW’s Mark Henry.  So, that begs the question, where does RAW go from here?

    But, that’s a story for another article.  Get analysis of Night of Champions after the jump!