Tag Archive: Color Commentator

  1. Review: WrestleMania 2

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    This is it!  BoredWrestlingFan’s WrestleMania week is in full swing, which kicked off with the WrestleMania 29 prediction podcast.  My contribution to WrestleMania week this year will be reviews of the first six WrestleMania events, starting yesterday with 1985′s WrestleMania, and finishing up Saturday with a review of WrestleMania VI.  And don’t forget to tune in to BoredWrestlingFan Radio this Sunday at 2PM Eastern as I will be reporting LIVE from Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, the site of WrestleMania XXIX!

    Wow.  WrestleMania 2.  I often say that the first thing I ever remember seeing in professional wrestling was a promo that Hulk Hogan cut prior to this show, talking about how he’s going to get that big dude (King Kong Bundy) in a cage at WrestleMania.  I don’t remember anything else between that time and WrestleMania V, but when I finally started following pro wrestling religiously, my uncle handed down some old WWF Magazines, one of which was a recap of this particular show.  I have seen the show before, but that was decades ago, and I was just a kid back then, so this will be another great experience for me on this year’s proverbial Road to WrestleMania.

    Well, I have a better idea today than I did when I started yesterday about how I’m going to cover this show.  It’ll be mostly straightforward, unless I see a blatant opportunity for some wildly outlandish thing a la G’s SmackDown reviews.  Let’s go!


  2. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts


    Raven, Kennedy, and Striker – OH MY!  Let’s get started.

    Monday night on RAW, Mr. Kennedy returned to the WWE after being out for a very long period of time with an injury.  What followed was not nearly as surprising – he injured himself in his first match back.  The fans at the Staples Center seemed to enjoy his presense, but that wasn’t enough for the WWE to keep wasting their time with MISTEEERRRRRRR INJURY PRONE!


    Kennedy was back for four days before WWE decided to release him from his contract.  Do you think that TNA would take him, or is he now resigned to work as MISTEEEERRRRRRR FRY COOK?

    5/30/09 UPDATE: Rumor flying around is that Randy Orton had some kind of discussion backstage with Mr. Kennedy following RAW, that Orton has considerable influence in the company, and these factors may have been what led to Mr. Kennedy’s release.

    ECW color commentator Matt Striker is the center of controversy this week as alleged nude photos of the school teacher turned professional wrestler began circulating the internet.  Internet Wrestling Community pundits are beginning to wonder if this is the sort of thing that could cost Striker his cushy World Wrestling Entertainment job.  In my opinion, if Disney kept that High School Musical girl after her nude pics leaked, WWE will certainly keep Striker.

    Buff Bagwell did an interview recently where he said he’d work for WWE for free, and if TNA called him, he’d listen.  Does this guy seriously think he’s got a shot at WWE again?  He was there for all of a week before they fired his ass the first time around.

    AOL and Time Warner are set to dissolve their merger after nearly a decade.  Could this mean a new wrestling organization under the direction of Ted Turner is now possible?

    WWE has now changed the name of the Unforgiven Pay-Per-View event.  It’s going to be called “WWE Breaking Point” and is rumored to be a submission themed pay per view.  I kind of like the idea, though there aren’t really a whole heck of a lot of submission wrestlers on the roster that I can think of at the moment, so I can’t imagine what the matches would be.

    The highlight of my week actually happened on TNA iMPACT! this past Thursday night as my favorite wrestler returned.  During a therapy session, Dr. Stevie put Abyss in a straight jacket, prompting Lauren to come to his rescue.  Through the crowd emerged a familiar face – RAVEN!  The former NWA and ECW Champion took away Dr. Stevie’s kendo stick – and blasted Abyss with it himself!  Raven and Dr. Stevie, the former ECW Tag Team Champions reunited with an embrace in the ring.  Welcome back, Raven!

  3. 2009 TNA Wish List


    (or “Ten Things I Don’t Want to Hate About You”)

    Rather than review the “Best of” show that aired on Spike TV, your Empress of “Impact” has decided to begin 2009 with a wish list for TNA. Many people have commented that this new year has to be better for TNA because it couldn’t possibly get any worse. Whether you personally believe that or not, I have compiled a list of ten things which TNA should make happen in order for 2009 to be their banner year. They are in no particular order.
