Tag Archive: Commandos

  1. PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. British Bulldogs VS. Cuban Commandos. Steel Cage!

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    Its time again for more retro wrestling favorites from Calgary, Alberta, Canada! A few weeks ago I featured a 6 man tag team match featuring the British Bulldogs & Don Moraco. This time, we will take a look at a great match that took place only a few weeks prior to that event. The Stampede International Tag Team champions, the Cuban Commandos, had been fighting off the title hungry British Bulldogs for about a month, doing what ever it took to remain champions.This involved cheating, getting counted out , using foreign objects and being disqualified on numerous occasions. These matches drove the crowd absolutely nuts every time as Stampede fans anticipated their returning heros, and former world Tag Team Champions in the WWF, to win the titles with ease. They did not. These matches were all leading up to, of course, a match where the Commandos were confined to an event with no rules , no where to run and no way to win by cheating.  A match inside a solid steel cage!  Enjoy the match and I will return with more classic wrestling from the Stampede promotion.  Check out more PatMan picks over at www.wonderpodonline.com and also check out our year end  videogame podcast ! But, “In the mean time, and in-between time, that’s it. Another edition of Stampede Wrestling”!

    [youtube 0anhzOyp35Q ]

  2. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. The British Bulldogs vs Cuban Commandos.

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    I loved watching tag team wrestling as a kid as there were some amazing and entertaining tag teams in many territories. Teams like the Road Warriors, Can Am connection, Killer Bees, Nikolai Volkoff & The Iron Sheik and the Hart Foundation top my list of top tag teams from the past. However one tag team sits above them all, even the mighty Road Warriors, as my personal all time favorite team. That team is the British Bulldogs. By the time the British Bulldogs reached the WWF they had already competed along side and often against each other many times in classic Stamped Wrestlings encounters. While their popularity (and bodies) grew bigger and bigger in the WWF, I already had a strong admiration for them and knew just how talented they were. After an exciting title run in the WWF only to lose the titles ironically to yet another Stampede Wrestling alumni tag team by the name of the The Hart Foundation, Davey Boy and Dynamite soon went to Japan for a successful tour of the orient and finally returned, full circle, back to Stampede Wrestling. By this time the combination of steroid abuse and brutal back injuries were really taking a lot out of the Dynamite Kid both inside and outside the ring. The British Bulldogs days as a team were numbered. Davey Boy would soon embark on a successful singles career returning to the WWF, WCW and even back in Stampede upon occasion. Lets look at one of the last matches for this legendary tag team as they compete for the Stampede Tag Team belts held by the evil and chronically cheating Cuban Commandos! Its a ring-a-ding-dong-dandy! See you next week,. But,in the mean time and in between time, check out Wonderpod videogame podcast on itunes and also some of the other stuff I do over at www.wonderpodonline.com !

    [youtube ogF4Q3ADFaI]