BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 67
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Ain’t nobody got time for that!
This week, Joe, JT, and G are joined by Joe’s cousin Steve, as Jorge takes the day off to joyride in his friend’s Dad’s Ferrari and enjoy the sights of Chicago, with hilarious results. Or he’s actually sick. One of the two. Anyways, Joe reads from the book of Bored, reciting passages from RYTMAN’s RAW review and G’s SmackDown shenanigans. JT and G bust dope rhymes, and Steve shakes his head at all of this. We learn that Scott Hall has reached his goal of $80,000 for his hip replacement surgery, which will take place April 9th. We find out who the participants returning for TNA’s “10” and “Knockouts Knockdown” Pay Per View events are. That Damn Double C tries to trick Joe into reading lyrics from “Africa” by Toto again. We discuss the new rules of the X-Division. We lament the price increase for WrestleMania to $69.99 for HD. Chris Masters uproots a tree with his bare hands and saves his mother’s life. All this, and much more, on BWF Radio 67!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 67 (MP3, 2:05:05)
This week’s break song was “The New F*** You” by Street Sweeper Social Club. Buy it here!