BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 105
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This. This is what happens when Joe actually prepares for a show. Disaster strikes. Jorge didn’t show up, and I accidentally leaned on something, which shut down the entire show for a few minutes, including our Ustream feed. But that’s not to say the show was a total loss. Joe, JT, G, and Mark discuss the TLC Pay-Per-View and get through the RAW recap before jumping into a discussion about all of the RAW guest hosts, and confusing Perez Hilton for Paris Hilton. After the break, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling joins us to talk about upcoming events, including tomorrow night’s super sold-out “Taco or No Taco” exhibition in Calgary. A brief bit of BWF Theatre leads us into the news, where we debate whether AJ’s outburst at Michelle Beadle was real or scripted, who’s staying home while Madison Rayne returns to Europe with the TNA roster, and get Jake Roberts’ thoughts on Bray Wyatt. Jimmy Hart talks WWE Legends House. G confirms whether or not you’re allowed to say a certain word in Canada. Find out why a Saudi Arabian journalist doesn’t want WWE or John Cena to come to his country. And what has Mistico been up to since Hunico started playing Sin Cara on RAW? All this and much more on a Christmas filled episode of BWF Radio!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 105 (MP3, 2:12:30)
Songs in today’s episode:
“F*ck All This Christmas” by Stevie B. Buy it here!
“Hey Santa Claus” by Kevin Bloody Wilson. Buy it here!
“You Can’t Say C*nt In Canada” by Kevin Bloody Wilson. Buy it here!
“Run, Rudolph, Run” by Lemmy Kilmister, Billy F. Gibbons, & Dave Grohl. Buy it here!