Tag Archive: Doink

  1. WrestleMania Week 2014: WrestleMania X

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    It’s finally here!  March 20, 1994!  Tonight, the Superstars of the World Wrestling Federation celebrate a decade of the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania!  Bret and Owen Hart face off, and then Bret goes on to face the winner of the WWF Championship match between Yokozuna and Lex Luger later on tonight!  Plus, the Macho Man faces Crush in a falls count anywhere match!  And for the first time, the Intercontinental Championship is defended in a ladder match as Shawn Michaels faces Razor Ramon to prove who is the true Champion! All this, and much, much more!  Let’s go!


  2. Smackdown 06/28/13

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    Hello folks, it is I, ThinkSoJoE, covering SmackDown for G, who was unavailable to cover the show this evening.  He was, however, kind enough to supply me with a bunch of animated GIFs and witty captions.  So, here we go, as G would say, it’s hopping time!

    I watch this show as it airs every other week and live tweet it.  This was not one of those weeks.  So now I’m watching on DVR and typing about what happens in a semi-factual way.
