Tag Archive: Elijah Burke

  1. Impact Wrestling–Promodown to Final Resolution


    Promo starts the program, it details the events leading to Final Resolution.

    Steve Borden enters the ring and calls out Bobby Roode. Explains to Roode that there will be consequences for his actions and that last week was just one punishment the next is coming up. Out comes Dixie Carter. Borden tells Roode to apologize to her. Roode rants about how Dixie sucks at her job and that she needs him as their champion. He figuratively and physically spitting on authority. Dixie is in shock, Steve chases him from the ring. So much for the age of Selfishness.

    Backstage continuation where Styles throws Roode up against a wall. Steve then comes to the back to confront Roode only to be held back by Styles and Hardy.

    First Match. Samoa Joe vs Abyss–

    Short match that seems to be the way for Joe. Steiner distracts the referee leading to Ray hitting the Samoan with a chain. Winner Abyss. Afterword with Steiner and Ray in the ring, Abyss blackhole slams Scott leaving Ray to run from the ring.

    Backstage with Karen Jarrett. She instructs Madison to take out James. Yep inept assassin #2 will so put away Super Mickie.

    More Backstage with Gunner and Borden–Gunner wants a third try against Garett Bischoff. He promises no Bischoff Sr. or Flair at ringside.

    Devon and the Pope call out Matt Morgan and Crimson. Devon shoots a mutual respect in ring promo but promises to take home the titles. Pope grabs the mike and shoots a heel promo…Elijah Burke all over again TNA? After saying he’ll do whatever it takes stooping to any lengths to attain it. He bumps Morgan who grabs him and beats him down. Crimson and Devon scuffle to the back. Leaving Pope alone to low blow Morgan and calls in Devon’s kids. All three beat down on him until Morgan hulks out and they flee.

    Madison Rayne vs Mickie James–

    Yeah a four minute filler where Rayne puts on some offense before Mickie overcomes laying out Rayne with a DDT for the win. Rocky and Bullwinkle villain extinguished. Gail comes out to show off the belts. Because its setting up for Final Resolution. You know.

    Gunner and Garett pt III, and still no one cares. The people in the back care so little that Bischoff Jr. still comes out in dress pants, belt and converse all stars. Even poorly dressed Gunner who whoops on Garett until Bisch Junior pulls off a single leg pin. Beatdown after the match leading to a spiked piledriver on the concrete. Afterwords Flair and Bischoff mock an unconscious Garett who is being loaded into an ambulance.

    *Special notice* When Taz and Tenay talk about fatherhood and Tenay looks annoyed by Taz and his non announcing ability. I guess it really is what you know.

    James Storm confronts Angle spew some good dialogue which first seems like ass kissing. Gay reference. Storm turns his back to hit him from behind again. Mocks Angle’s catchphrase.

    Devon’s Kids —- skip

    Traci Brooks versus Gail Kim what was supposed to be a reenactment of the Madison Rayne/Tara match except Traci kicks out after 2. Leads to a decent match where Ms Brooks unleashes her frustrations on Gail. That is until Karen comes out distracts the referee causing Traci to be knocked out by Madison’s ill earned KO’s belt. Gail wins.

    *Daniels is snarky funny, comparing RVD’s singlet to a colostomy bag was inventive.

    Jeff Jarrett w Karen Jarrett/Bobby Roode versus AJ Styles/ Jeff Hardy—-Disconnected—-

    Which I feel was a warning from the god’s to not spoil the ending of the pay per view. Who know but this Sunday is Final Resolution and here is too a decent 3 hr Impact.


  2. WWE Superstars

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    Hey everybody.  I’m back with another invigorating review (and by review I mean my rants about how these guys should be used instead of how they are being used) of WWE Superstars.  Let’s get this thing started shall we? 

    Kofi Kingston def. Chavo Guerrero

    This match is for two guys who can’t get on TV anymore.  Somehow, Kofi got lost in the RAW shuffle and is not even in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania.  How does this kind of oversight happen?  One minute the guy is on fire in a very hot feud with Randy Orton and then the next he is delegated to random matches against Chavo Guerrero on Superstars without even a hint he will be on the biggest show of the year.  Is it just me or does Kofi seem like another Elijah Burke, destined to be in TNA?  Anyways, Kofi wins with the Trouble in Paradise.

    Evan Bourne def. William Regal

    This is the type of match that should get some time.  It’s really hard to explain a comeback from a beatdown in a short period of time.  William Regal dominates this match and then out of nowhere, Bourne hits a knee and the Shooting Star Press for the win.

    Kane def. Mike Knox

    Ok. Kane is in the MITB match at Wrestlemania.  Mike Knox is on his way to the unemployment line.  Who do you think won this?  Kane wins with the Chokeslam.

    Chris Jericho vs Goldust

    This was a highly entertaining match.  Jericho even praised the Bizzare One on his Twitter account after this match was recorded on Tuesday night.  With Goldust being in good shape and still being able to perform on a high level, maybe he can hang around for a little while and do for Drew McIntyre what he did for Sheamus on ECW.  Jericho wins with the Codebreaker.

    That’s it for this week.  Tune in again next week.