Tag Archive: Entertaining Show

  1. In defense of the WWE


    It wasn’t that long ago.  Just a few weeks, actually.  I jumped right on this very website right after WWE RAW SuperShow to rant about how they ruined a perfectly entertaining show with the introduction of John Laurinaitis as the interim RAW General Manager.  Now, I’m right back here after what many are saying was a terrible episode of RAW, and finding myself in a less than familiar situation – one where I’m not a cynical asshole.

    Personally, I went on Twitter immediately after I watched last night’s show and mentioned that I felt like last night’s show was solid from top to bottom, and after re-watching it today with my wife I’m standing by that tweet.  The fact is, the internet wrestling community (IWC) doesn’t know what they want.  The same people who tune in to TNA and time the matches so they can jump on the internet and point out that there was only 10 minutes of wrestling in a two hour program are the same ones that I see right now saying that this episode of RAW, where the talking was kept to a minimum, was terrible.

    Every performer on last night’s show put on a solid performance.  The IWC doesn’t seem to think so, and I’d like to think that it’s because they’re so jaded about everything that the WWE does nowadays.  John Cena has proven time and time again – despite the fact that I boo the hell out of his character – that he’s a solid performer and can have a good match with most of the guys on the roster, yet no matter how good of a match he has, you’ll still hear about the “five moves of doom.”  The Divas have all been working very hard on their in-ring work, but as soon as they’re on television, the IWC collectively says “piss break!”

    The biggest criticism I’ve seen of last night’s show was the ending.  Oh no, “Super Cena” just beat Awesome Truth all by himself, why does he even need to bother with The Rock at Survivor Series?  What show are you watching?  Cena beat The Miz, then while Miz was incapacitated, R-Truth tried to attack him, but got caught and ate an AA for his trouble.  That’s not Cena beating up two guys at once, that’s Cena beating two guys back to back.  If it were Awesome Truth against Cena by himself, Cena gets beat down.  See last week’s RAW for proof.

    What bugs me is that if ROH did the exact same finish – let’s say with Davey Richards in the John Cena role, and members of The House of Truth in Awesome Truth’s place – these same people who are criticizing Cena would be praising Richards for outsmarting the opposition.  You know I’m right.

    This is what I want.  I want all of my fellow members of the IWC to get off of their little cloud, and watch RAW back as a FAN and not as a cynical asshole desensitized to the business by the internet, and tell me what the hell was so wrong with last night’s show.

  2. The Great Defense of Snooki


    Yeah, that’s right. While everybody else is claiming the end of the wrestling world as we know it, I’m going to point out why it may not be.  While everybody is calling for the Apocalypse, it just may not be.

    I must begin this with a confession. I like Jersey Shore. [pausing for the jokes about losing my man card] It is an entertaining show. Yeah, make all your jokes, shout your snide remarks and giggle endlessly at my expense. But I’m not alone. Jersey Shore’s rating this past week was 4.7. Jersey Shore was the highest-rated show on Cable. Yes, that is better than WWE’s both hours of Raw. We won’t be seeing that during the “Did You Know…” graphic this week. Right now, Jersey Shore is one of the hottest topics you will find on television. If it was more sought after, it would be winning on Adonis DNA and tiger blood.

    And no figure on Jersey Shore is more iconic than Snooki. Towering over none at 4’9″, she is a bubbly, charismatic, polarizing figure. You wanna get a group of people going? Bring up the subject of Snooki, and ask people what they think of her. Regardless of what this says about our society, Snooki is one of the hottest commodities on television today.

    Yes, the wrestling world has had plenty of celebrity appearances go bad: RoboCop, the cast of Jackass, Pacman Jones. But there have been some really successful ones: The War to Settle the Score, Lawrence Taylor-Bam Bam Bigelow, Mike Tyson & that encounter with Stone Cold (How many times did we see that on ESPN?). Wrestlemania was built around the appearance of Mr. T, who was one of the hottest commodities of his time.

    So here is an opportunity to get an actual star from Jersey Shore (and not some joke who hasn’t lasted either season and is now doing TNA) and capitalize on her star power. This CAN work. They will most likely have a broader audience than usual, because there will be some people who will tune in to see Snooki. As much of an indictment that is on our culture, it’ll create some buzz. When the people tune in, the key is to get them a reason to watch again.

    WWE, this part is for you. You might have people who have never tuned in before. You need to make sure you give an exciting product that makes people tune in again. Also, your biggest show of the year is a matter of weeks away. Make sure you find a way to pimp out Wrestlemania like it’s never been pimped before. Also, I know that you’ve always been a sucker for your “Sportscenter” moment. Make sure you parlay this into an effort to sell the biggest show of the year.

    With this in the right hands, this just might work.

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  3. Smackdown: 06/02/10


    Oh crap, it’s Friday night… and you know what that means. Yep, I work my night job and then come home and suffer through Smackdown so you don’t have to. It’s been a weird Friday already, especially in South Africa as Brazil got upset, and Ghana threw away a certain victory in the World Cup. While no one in North America really cares about that stuff, other than Kofi Kingston who hails from Ghana (for now), let’s just jump into the legitimate sport known as professional wrestling…

  4. WWE Superstars Review

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    Let’s get crazy and see what happens.

    Match 1:  John Morrison vs Tyson Kidd

    I’m looking forward to seeing Morrison/Hardy for the World Heavyweight title on Smackdown!  The craftiness of Kidd and Morrison make for a great match.  These two guys are prime examples for why Smackdown is so much better than Raw right now.  Kidd hit a sick neckbreaker at the edge of the apron on Morrison during the middle of the match.  Morrison exhibited his usual greatness.  David Hart Smith and Natalya were ejected from ringside, which ulitimately spelled doom for Tyson Kidd in this match.  John Morrison is one of my favorite superstars and his explosiveness is second to none.  The Shaman of Sexy hit Starship Pain for the win. 

    Match 2:  William Regal vs the Japanese Sensation Yoshi Tatsu

    Yoshi Tatsu gets some of the biggest pops when he comes out to the ring.  The fans love this guy.  He kicks and karate chops guys to death.  However, William Regal gets the win with a running knee.  Regal gets his win back with that one.

    Josh Matthews interviews Randy Orton in the locker room.  He asks Orton’s impressions on John Cena winning the beat the clock challenge.  He said Cena has won pain and agony with his beat the clock victory.

    Main Event:  WWE Champion Randy Orton vs the cartwheeling Primo Colon

    Here is the random match of the night…but I like it.  Primo is exciting and its always nice to see the CHAMPION get a chance at a real victory.  Primo starts like an A.D.D. kid without his meds.  He bounces all over the place and gets his offense in until the commercial break.  During the break, Orton regains control and starts his methodical beatdown of Primo.  Primo hits the ropes and nails a flying elbow and then his cartwheel.  Missile dropkick hits but the springboard splash misses and Orton hits the RKO for the win.  Refreshing match for the both of them. 

    This was a good, entertaining show.  I like how they mixed good matches with the randomness this week.  I guess thats what Superstars is for.  Anywho…come back and check me out next week.