BWF Radio Episode 3
Leave a CommentDrowgoddess couldn’t connect. The entire show got disconnected half way through. Random ads started playing in the background. JT and G were hearing double. And when he went to upload the show after edits, ThinkSoJoE had no internet. Yes folks, this episode of BWF Radio was plagued with technical difficulties straight from the start, but finally, it’s here.
In BWF Radio Episode 3, ThinkSoJoE, G, JT, and Drowgoddess discuss IMPACT, ROH, and RAW, lament on the worth of ROH’s Final Battle and the upcoming WWE Network, and once again ponder the 1/2/12 videos. Also, our Impact Analyst, Pintnoir, joins in for a roundtable discussion of TNA Final Resolution, this coming Sunday on Pay Per View. Right click and “save as” on the link below!