Tag Archive: Former Team

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, Everybody!  It’s time for WWE Superstars again.

    Match 1:  Tiffany vs Co-Women’s Champion Layla (non-title match)

    Somehow Tiffany is the number one contender.  This is your standard Diva’s match.  Michelle McCool interferes behind the referees back.  Layla wins with the Lay-Out.

    Match 2:  Vance Archer and Kurt Hawkins vs The Dudebusters

    Wasn’t Kurt Hawkins a Dudebuster in FCW?  He gets the win over his former team with the flying elbow off the top rope.  After the match, Archer and Hawkins tell the Hart Dynasty to pay attention and they will find them.  I guess they are next in line for a tag title shot now.

    Main Event:  Zack Ryder vs Evan Bourne

    Evan Bourne is the most exciting guy to watch in the WWE right now.  He’s just spectacular.  Bourne gets the win with the Shooting Star Press.

    That’s it for this week.  Join me again next week.