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  1. Power Poll 9/15/10: Honorable mention

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    Power Poll 9/15/10: Honorable mention (or ROH 1, TNA 0)

    ROH had its highest placement on the Power Poll yet, while TNA completely falls off the radar with Impact scurrying away from the NFL. But, not surprisingly, WWE dominated with familiar faces at the top.

    1. Randy Orton (Last week: 1)
    WWE is going full-bore in its attempt to turn Randy Orton into this generation’s Stone Cold Steve Austin, it seems, even giving him a win on TV over John Cena (in a tables match, but still). I feel bad for this generation.

    2. Kane (2)
    Say this for WWE. The idea of Kane as World champion seemed ridiculous three months ago. Not anymore.

    3. John Cena (4)
    I have officially run out of things to say about John Cena.

    4. Chris Jericho (10)
    Taking advantage of some wacky rules and stupidity by the Hart Dynasty, Jericho (in a suit) had a nice match with Tyson Kidd, winning cleanly to earn a spot back in the six-pack match at Night of Champions. Plus, he got to tell off Michael Cole and the mystery GM.

    5. Alberto Del Rio (3)
    Del Rio continued his strong showing since his debut with a submission win over Twitter legend Matt Hardy. Given that Hardy went insane soon afterward, I guess maybe we

    6. The Undertaker (NR)
    The creative build for his match with Kane at Night of Champions has refreshed a stale-sounding feud, but will the enthusiasm for it end when they actually have to get in the ring together?

    7. Roderick Strong (NR)
    I confess I don’t know much about Roderick Strong. I know he’s now the ROH champion, beating Tyler Black on Saturday. I think he likes backbreakers.

    8. Sheamus (NR)
    The WWE champion returns after a one-week absence, but isn’t kind of sad that he’s been such an afterthought lately that he’s behind the ROH champion?

    9. Daniel Bryan (6)
    The future unified WWE-World-TNA-ROH-Evolve-Chikara-GAEA-CMLL-CWA-WCCW-ECW-GLOW* champion slipped a little despite a convincing win over Alex Riley and embarrassing The Miz.

    10. The Miz (9)
    The U.S. champion and Money in the Bank holder has fallen steadily since Summerslam. But I have a feeling he’ll have neither of those things when Night of Champions is finished and will be a lot higher in the Power Poll next week.

    Dropped: Kurt Angle, Kaval, Jeff Hardy

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comFuture EndeavorsHit the RopesNoVaWPodcastOh My WrestleBlogOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside RantsSmark Out Moment, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com,WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at)gmail.com.

    *Inside joke