Tag Archive: Giants

  1. Discount Bin Review: Wrestlemania 9 (DVD)

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    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues! This comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

    Everyone knows of my passion for all things professional wrestling. I’ve watched the good, the bad, and I can put a positive spin on pretty much anything. Wrestlemania is of course, the biggest WWF/E show of the year; the grandest stage of them all, the showcase of the immortals, blah, blah, blah. Well back in April of 1993, the WWF was in the middle of a pretty low period in terms of popularity. Hulkamania was fading fast and there was a severe lack of popular, established talent to fill that void. Bret Hart had been inserted as the top face champion and while popular, I don’t think he was the muscle bound, high intensity, all-American super-hero that Vince thought they needed at the top. Personally I loved Bret Hart – the hardworking ring-technician, a victorious underdog in a roster full of puffed up giants and grunts. Proving everyone who thought you had to be a brick shithouse to be successful wrong. At least that’s what I thought.

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