Tag Archive: Gut Wrench

  1. WWE Superstars Review

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    Its the first WWE Superstars after Summerslam.  Let’s go.

    Match 1:  The All-American American Jack Swagger vs Mr Cartwheel…Primo

    Get down on your knees!  I’m a big fan of Jack Swagger…Jerk of the Month in WWE Magazine or not.  The All-American American gets the win with his Gut Wrench Powerbomb.  After the match, he gets on the mic and says we are looking at the only Superstar born to be the US champ.  Watch out Kofi!

    Ask the Divas segment….”How do I know if a girl likes me?”

    We see Gregory Helms enter the boiler room and out comes The Hurricane!

    Match 2:  The Hurricane vs Paul Burchill w/ Katie Lea

    Stand back!  There’s a Hurricane coming through.  Katie Lea needs to stop wearing her make-up like that.  She looks horrendous.  Paul Burchill has gotten fat.  The Ripper gets the win with the interference from his sister.

    Main Event Triple Threat:  Dolph Ziggler vs Finlay vs Mike Knox

    Winner of this match faces Rey Mysterio at Breaking Point for the Intercontinental title.  Dolph says Mysterio’s win at Summerslam was a fluke.  Mike Knox is severely under-utilized.  That guy is a big sumuma-gun.  He attempts to hit Finlay with the sheleleigh (spell check), but misses and Finlay hits the Celtic Cross.  Finlay for the pin, but Dolph throws him off and gets the pin for himself. 

    This show was better than the recent ones have been.  At least they made sense this week.  Check me out again next week and see if Superstars can remain sensable.