Tag Archive: Having Fun

  1. WWE RAW results 5-21-12


    NO! I don’t wanna review RAW!  You can’t make me!  Nooooooooo!

    Last night at Over The Limit, a bunch of crap happened, CM Punk retained his title, and John Laurinaitis beat John Cena with help from the Big Show. Let’s see what kind of horrible stuff they make us sit through tonight in one of the last two hour RAWs.


  2. Wrestlemania Bingo, 2011 edition

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    As has previously been posted, my brother invented this last year, and after careful tweaking (thanks, Mick!), it is ready to share with all of you. I know, some of you have already seen it. Some changes have been made. “Wrestlemania Bingo, 2011 edition” is all you need to kick up your Sunday, April 3 gathering from pleasant enough to totally reeking of awesomeness! (more…)