Tag Archive: Hernandez Mr

  1. Power Poll for 6/16/10

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    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 list ranking men’s singles wrestlers in WWE and TNA. Please take some time to check out the websites of our participants. If you write for a wrestling website and are interested in participating, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com and include a link to your site.

    1. John Cena (Previous Rank: 1)
    2. Rob Van Dam (2)
    3. Kurt Angle (NR)
    4. Rey Mysterio (5)
    5. Randy Orton (NR)
    6. Big Show (6)
    7. Jack Swagger (3)
    8. Bryan Danielson (NR)
    9. C.M. Punk (NR)
    10. Kane (9)

    Dropped out:
    Wade Barrett (4), Edge (7), Kofi Kingston (8), Jeff Hardy (9)

    Also receiving votes:
    Wade Barrett, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Frankie Kazarian, Jay Lethal, Hernandez, Mr. Anderson, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Edge, Doug Williams

    Participating sites:
    BoredWrestlingFan.com, Online World of Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, WrestleRage.com, Wrestlespective