Tag Archive: Kill The Wabbit

  1. Power Poll 11/3/10

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    Power Poll No. 22 11/3/10

    1. Kane (1)

    I was looking at an issue of WWE Magazine from a couple months back and saw an ad for Night of Champions with Kane holding the World Heavyweight Championship, and I’ve realized how far Kane has come in the last few months since he started this storyline with The Undertaker.  He’s consistently cutting some of the best promos on WWE television, and his eulogy for his brother was strong enough to keep him at the top of the Power Poll.  (My vote: 2)

    2. Edge (6)

    The Rated R Superstar still manages to thrive in a PG setting, defeating Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio in a triple threat match this past Friday on SmackDown to become the number one contender to the aforementioned Kane’s World Heavyweight Championship.  (My vote: 1)

    3. Randy Orton (4)

    The Viper may well be screwed this Sunday at Survivor Series, but didn’t seem that way when he led himself and R-Truth to victory over Wade Barrett and David Otunga this past Monday with special guest referee John Cena.  (My vote: 3)

    4. Daniel Bryan (3)

    Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, kill the waaaaabit!  Dolph Ziggler on Friday, Ted DiBiase on Monday, who’s next to tap out to the WWE United States Champion? (My vote: 7)

    5. Wade Barrett (2)

    With John Cena stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place, things are looking good for Barrett as Survivor Series draws nearer, despite a loss this past Monday in tag team action. (My vote:  6)

    6. John Cena (5)

    Despite being Wade Barrett’s errand boy, John Cena continues to impress the Power Poll voters with great promos and body language.  (My vote:  N/A)

    7. The Miz (7)

    Despite not making any effort to cash it in as of late, The Miz is not letting anybody forget that he’s still got that Money In The Bank briefcase.  Isn’t that right, Big Show?  (My vote: N/A)

    8. Matt Morgan (NR)

    Matt Morgan standing up for an injured Mr. Anderson has endeared him to the fans, Christopher Nowinski, and Power Poll voters alike.  (My vote: 5)

    9. Jeff Hardy (8)

    The self proclaimed new AntiChrist of professional wrestling, Jeff Hardy, may not have seen much in ring action on last week’s iMPACT, but the video packages kept him, and what he did at Bound For Glory, fresh in our minds.  (My vote: 4)

    10. Alberto Del Rio (NR)

    Interrupting Kane?  Now that takes some juevos.  Alberto Del Rio steps back up and jumps back in to the top 10 this week.  (My vote: N/A)

    Dropped out: Dolph Ziggler, Big Show

    Also voted on by me: Sheamus (8), Santino (9), and Big Show (10)

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comFuture EndeavorsHit the RopesNoVaWPodcastOh My WrestleBlogOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project WonderboyRingside RantsSmark Out MomentSmarks Anonymous, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.comWrestling Nuggets and Wrestlespective. Follow the Power Poll voters on Twitter. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective@gmail.com.