Tag Archive: Kiyoshi

  1. “iMPACT” Impressions 6/4/09

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    See that line over there? No, THAT one. Yes. Go cross it!

    I want it on record that this review occurs under duress. We have it so rough here at www.boredwrestlingfan.com. Some of us would LIKE to have it so rough, but that’s as may be. This week’s title is “You Can Go Back Home.” Is this a thinly-veiled shot at the non-ex-WWE guys on the roster, specifically the past and present X-Division stars? I’m just sayin’.


  2. Late “Genesis” Review


    Sorry for two very late reviews in a row, peoples. Rough week in the world of hour-long one-way commutes and junior high-land. In any case, “Genesis” wasn’t really the steaming pile of excrement that so many people claim it was, particularly in light of all the walking wounded and missing due to injury that the company had to deal with at the last minute. Pretend you haven’t already gotten move-by-move reviews from a dozen other sites, and cross the line!
