Tag Archive: Knockout Championship

  1. A Wilde iMPACT – 7/10/08

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    I’ll be honest, iMPACT wasn’t overly horrible this week – but I was barely able to pay attention because I had other stuff going on while the show was on.  That said, I’ll try my best to give the show a pretty fair review; after all, we don’t want Disco Inferno whining on his blog about how internet wrestling writers are unfair to the TNA product again, now do we?  Of course, it’s not hard to rip on TNA’s booking decisions – there’s a pay-per-view coming up this Sunday, and last night’s show took most of the focus off of the main event and shifted it elsewhere.  Hell, the World Champion was overshadowed by a returning Sting in his only segment on the show, not to mention that four of the six guys in one of the other huge matches for this Sunday weren’t even on the show.  Yes, Disco – us internet writers are unfair to the TNA product.

    Results and not-so-in-depth analysis after the jump.