Tag Archive: Lance Cade Sucks

  1. RAW 6/16/08 – (Almost) Everybody Hates Chris


    Well, once again, no money for me this week.  At least this week’s batch of winners sounded excited to be winning money.  Especially the suckup who told Vince that he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen.  This week though, Million-Dollar Mania actually took a back seat to the usual WWE blend of storylines and wrestling matches – and of course, 30 minute Triple H promos.

    I’m not really here to write about Mr. McMahon’s millions, or Triple H promos.  I’m not going to devote this space to John Cena, Jeff Hardy, or Shawn Michaels.  No, this week, the RAW rant is about…  Lance Cade.  I can’t stand Lance Cade.  I couldn’t stand him when he was Garrison Cade and teaming with Mark Jindrak.  I couldn’t stand him when he was part of the Redneck Wrecking Crew with Trevor Murdoch.  Now, I have an even stronger dislike for him, because he single-handedly ruined Chris Jericho’s heel turn.  Over the course of the last week, Chris Jericho took out Shawn Michaels, was confronted by Ric Flair, and was told by Triple H, “ever since you’ve been back, I’ve been looking for a reason to make you my business.”  Jericho has played a great heel many times before, and I, along with many other people I’ve talked to, have been waiting for him to turn heel and do it again.  Y2J doesn’t need some second-rate midcarder to help him fight his battles.  So why did Lance Cade attack Triple H during his match with Jericho last night?  Lance Cade, in my opinion, doesn’t have the “it factor” to be a main event star, and his push is going to bomb, mark my words.

    More thoughts on RAW, after the jump.