Tag Archive: Legendary Performances

  1. WWE Superstars Review

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    Hey everybody!  Today as I write this, I will also be remembering the King of Pop.  Although many will remember the scandals and accusations, I will choose to remember his musical greatness.  Alrighty…let’s get this thing crackin’!  Who’s Bad?!

    Match 1:  The All-American American Jack Swagger against Evan Bourne

    This match was awesome!  It was a Thriller…and a match of the year candidate IMO.  The ending saw Evan Bourne going for the Shooting Star Press, Swagger moved, Bourne landed on his feet, Swagger hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb for the win. 

    Match 2:  Dolph Ziggler vs Jimmy Wang Yang

    This match was between two guys’ careers who have gone in opposite directions…shall I say they are as different as Black and White?!  Dolph Ziggler gets the win, obviously.

    Triple Threat match for the United States Championship:  Kofi Kingston vs MVP vs Matt Hardy

    Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough.  Matt Hardy sure didn’t stop during this match.  Hardy gutted out this match with an injury that requires surgery.  This was a good match.  Kofi gets the pin on Hardy with his Trouble in Paradise and tells him to Beat It. 

    RIP Michael.  Your songs will live forever with us.  From Dangerous to You Are Not Alone, and the Jackson 5 days to the present, you have entertained us emensely.  You are truly the King of Pop and your legendary performances will be missed.  Long live the King!