Tag Archive: New Addition

  1. Broken Pencils Episode 5: Stephanie vs Arn 12,000

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    [youtube hFkmOSM4zT0]

    Broken Pencils is secretly recorded audio of meetings held between members of WWE’s Creative Writing Staff. In this episode the team welcome a new member onboard by hitting on her and trial the new addition to the WWE App. Card Subject To Change.

    Written, Edited & Created by Lev Myskin (please visit Why All The Anger)

    Dave…Lev Myskin @WhyAllTheAnger, Brian…Colm Ahern @Colm_Ahern, Stephanie…Rhiannon Story @RhiannonStory, Intern Joe…G Hall @Goftheinternet, John Laurinaitis…Bad News Ramen @BadNewsRamen, Arn 12000…Art Reese @AtomicGrande

    Music Credits:
    Opening Theme Music…Peter John Ross of Sonnyboo.com

    Closing Theme…Theme for Harold var3 Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  2. Two years of BoredWrestlingFan.com


    Yes folks, it’s true!  This Wednesday, June 9th, will mark two years of BoredWrestlingFan.com!

    Two years ago I’d read an article about how to start a successful blog.  It said to write about something you know – and dammit, I know my professional wrestling.  I’ve been a fan of this business since I was just a little kid, growing up watching it week in and week out.  I’ve studied the history of professional wrestling.  I’ve watched countless documentaries, seen hundreds of Pay Per Views, and have attended three WrestleManias, so this was the perfect fit for me to write about.

    JT was the first person I showed the (absolutely terrible) prototype to.  It was an ugly mess, but it was my ugly mess.  I eventually made a much nicer version of it and launched the site on June 9th, 2008.  Since then, the site has gone through major cosmetic changes, added more original content, and has had several great writers join in and help out with what once was a one man show.

    You guys are familiar with the BWF crew by now.  No introductions are needed (except for maybe Gee, who just started bringing his take on SmackDown to our site a couple weeks ago) for them, but I will say that I feel like I have the best writing team on the entire internet right here on BoredWrestlingFan.com.  Starting Monday, we’ll have another new addition, AlyKat, who will be taking over for me on Monday nights.

    On top of everything, I have to thank you, the readers, for making all the work that my staff and I have put into this site all worthwhile.  We’re turning two, and we’re still going strong!