Tag Archive: Next Friday

  1. BWF Radio Episode 53: BWF Awards

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    This week on BWF Radio, it’s the 2012 BWF Awards!  Joe, Jorge, JT, and Jee (Screw you and your one letter, G!) discuss the week in pro wrestling, and then give out a number of awards for this year in professional wrestling!  Awards include PPV of the Year, Entrance of the Year, Surprise of the Year, Match of the Year, and Wrestler of the Year, and much, much more.  Who ran away with the awards this year?  Were there any big surprises in this year’s awards?  Only one way to find out!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 53 (MP3, 2:26:45)

    In honor of the world ending next Friday, our break song this week was “The End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M.  Buy it here!

  2. Looking for a SmackDown review?

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    As I stated yesterday, I’m without cable and internet at home until at least next Friday, as I moved to a new apartment.  I thought about going out and buying some rabbit ears so I could watch SmackDown on Friday, since I’d read the spoilers and thought it sounded like it would be worth dropping 10 bucks to watch clearly, but by time I got done moving stuff on Friday night it was about 11PM – in fact, we had to finish moving earlier today.  Since I didn’t see the show, I don’t feel qualified to review it, so instead of a copy and paste from a “newz” site, I’m going to give my good friend RD Lee some traffic this week.  He’s filling in for Aaron Wood over at WorldWrestlingInsanity for a bit, and his review is up now!