Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans. Thank you all for once again helping BWF set a site record for monthly page views. 1576 pages have been viewed through the month of April, which is now the third straight month that the readership of this site has grown. A special thanks this month to LegendKiller, who did killer numbers for his WrestleMania real-time, and tharvey1 who joined the BWF family to cover WWE Superstars every Thursday night.
In other site related news, over the course of the next week I will be without my own internet connection at home (I’m leeching off of somebody else’s in my new apartment at the moment.) and therefore some of my WWE coverage will be handled by somebody else, posted late, or direct you elsewhere. This will not effect my weekly column, as a new edition of “A case for the Hall of Fame” will be published tomorrow at noon. Hope you all enjoy it, and thanks once again for visiting BoredWrestlingFan.com!
Before I get started, I want to thank the entire BoredWrestlingFan staff for all of their contributions to WrestleMania week. Overall we finished with 331 page views on the week, which is more than we had in some of our early months here. Great job, guys! Tonight on RAW, we’ll see a 10 Diva tag team match with five of RAW’s Divas vs. five of SmackDown’s Divas. We’ll see Miz and Morrison get their chance at redemption as they get a rematch with Carlito and Primo for the unified tag team championships, and according to Joey Styles himself, tonight’s RAW Main Event is an “All-Star WrestleMania Tag”: Cena, Hardy, Punk, Dragon and Mysterio vs. Edge, Show, Hardy, Jericho and Kane (source: twitter.com/WWEJoeyStyles). There’s also been a rumor that Randy Orton might be getting another chance at the WWE Championship as well, but again, it’s only a rumor.
Will anybody bother to step up and try to top HBK/Undertaker as a potential Match of the Year? We’ll find out tonight! Results after the jump! (more…)