Tag Archive: Place Of Employment

  1. BWF Podcast #6

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    BWF Podcast 6 (Right click, save as)

    Well, I decided to do a podcast this week after all.  I’ve also decided that I’m not going to the Vans’ Warped Tour either, mostly because I can’t afford to.  So that means your iMPACT review will be up tomorrow.  This week’s podcast clocks in at just over 40 minutes, it’s some quick thoughts on the past week worth of shows, and a long winded rant about why ECW now officially needs to change it’s name.

    Now would be a good time, I suppose, to announce that I’m going to be doing more blog style posts in addition to the review posts – after the power comes back on at my place of employment.  Yes folks, it’s been seven weeks as of today and my job is still to just sit in the dark and tell people to go away.  Hopefully that will get fixed soon and I’ll be able to go back to a normal posting schedule around here.