Tag Archive: Promise

  1. The War on… 2009

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    Welcome to the War for another week.

    There is no column for week, so this is the last time you will hear from me in 2009.

    This piece would be a.. best of, so to speak. A year in review, if you will. However, with my new year’s plans, becoming reality in… 11 hours from now, and with preparation and packing underway as I type, I just don’t have the time, to write a massive piece.

    However, and this I promise, the first column, typed from my fingers, thought of from my mind, will be right here, at BoredWrestlingFan.com, that I will guarantee.

    Now, I leave you with the thought, that if Brett Favre didn’t exist. I would be odds-on to win my NFL Fantasy League. However, I’m now playing for third place.

    Peace out my peeps, see you in 2010.