WWE Superstars
Leave a CommentHappy Hallloween to all my Peeps! Let’s get this thing started already.
Match 1: Jack Swagger vs Primo
Jack Swagger has yet to lose since he made the declaration that he would not lose for the rest of the year. The match starts off with a wrestling exhibition by Swagger. Primo’s quickness seems to trump Jack’s power, until Swagger catches him. Primo fights back with another quick burst, but Swagger’s strength proves to be too much for the younger Colon. The All-American American gets the win with the Gutwrench Powerbomb.
Ask the Divas segment….boooooooooo!
Match 2: Kelly Kelly vs Alicia Fox
Kelly Kelly is hot! Alicia Fox is not! That’s really all that is important about this match. Alicia Fox wins with the Ax Kick.
Backstage: Hart Dynasty and Mike Knox talking about their gameplan.
Match 3: Woo Woo Woo! You know it!!! Zack Ryder vs Tyler Reks
I know my buddy RDLee hates him, but Zack Ryder is a star! I originally wasn’t sold on him, but he has slowly grown on me. He is, however, wearing some God awful silver boots for this match. Tyler Reks needs to learn how to walk properly. This was a back and forth match, where both guys got in offense, but Zack Ryder wins with the Zack Attack.
Match 3: Hart Dynasty and Mike Knox vs Cryme Tyme and R-Truth
Hey WWE, segregate much??? It’s funny how the Hart Dynasty and R-Truth were hugging on Sunday, now they hate each other again. Oh how brand warfare unites. Kidd and JTG start things off. Very even matchup until Knox gets the tag. Knox then comes in and overpowers JTG. JTG makes the tag to Shad and things even back up. Knox tosses Shad to the outside, as they go to commercial. When the match comes back on the air, Shad is fighting back and Knox makes the tag to David Hart Smith. DH tags in Kidd for a quick kick to the back and Kidd tags in Knox for a back splash. Shad makes the tag to Truth and Knox tags in Kidd. Truth handles his business until Knox lands a big boot. JTG clotheslines Knox over the ropes, DH gets the big boot on JTG and Truth tosses DH over the ropes. Truth hits the Lie Detector for the win over Tyson Kidd. WHATS UP?!?!
Have a safe Halloween and I’ll see you next week. Peace!