Tag Archive: Radio

  1. Smackdown 07/13/12: Go Away Show.


    Hey, it IS Friday the 13th, too.

    Yes, it’s the “Go Home” show for Money in the Bank this Sunday on PPV. And the whole damn product revolves around one thing… not the laptop, nor the Smackdown GM getting his Christmas Wish granted with the ability to speak (even though he was over in December…. shh! We are supposed to forget that!).

    BWF RADIO INVADED WONDERPOD TODAY! CHECK THIS OUT NOW! Wonderpod Episode 118 A challenge has been issued, Jabronis! iTunes, archive.org, article and stream.

    Yes, one character seems to have taken over in a illogical way. No, not Double A (that’s the “good” product). We’re one year out from the “Summer of Punk II” shtick. Wow. This is not your Ten Year Old’s WWE. RIght Mr. Cena?

    Oh yeah, remember that Zach Ryder guy? No? Me neither, but it appears he is the GM for Smackdown. Turns out the computer is more popular in the WWE’s opinion. YAWN. Oh well, here’s the magical picture part of the review and the “hopping” reference:

    ‘Nuff said, let’s hop to it, shall we?


  2. BWF Radio: Episode 22

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    ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G are back, and ready to go with another edition of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  We recap the week in pro wrestling including the ROH Border Wars iPPV, run down all of the news for the week including John Cena’s divorce, Marty Jannetty’s response to The Pope, and ROH’s technical woes.  All this, plus a preview of this week’s interview with second generation wrestler Brian Hardy!  Click below to listen!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 22 (MP3, 1:35:49)


  3. BWF Radio Episode 19

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    This week, ThinkSoJoE, G, and JT discuss RAW, SmackDown and Impact.  They discuss the slight rise and sudden downfall of TNA Wrestling, how ridiculous it is that Eric Bischoff isn’t allowed to use his own name, and the lack of a draw for TNA’s latest Pay Per View.  Worked shoots are all the rage this week – Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose’s war of words on twitter, and Steve Austin cooling the talk of possibly stepping back in the ring with CM Punk.  The talk turns to popular Canadian bands, and a slight discussion on whether Tupac Shakur is actually dead or not.  It’s one of the most random wrestling shows on the ‘net, aside from NXT (also a topic of discussion), so click the link below and tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 19

    The Funkasaurus and his little brother… umm… Funkaswoggle?

  4. BWF Radio Episode 17

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    That’s right folks, we’re back!  Justin Ruff joins ThinkSoJoE and G as they discuss the week in this wacky world of sports entertainment.  The trio discuss what they feel could have been the best RAW in quite a while, the continuing rise and decline of the TNA product, whether or not SmackDown continued the momentum of RAW.  A five minute highlight package of BWF’s interview with Johnny Gargano that will be available tomorrow at noon is played, then the hosts talk about the news and rumors that have popped up throughout the week.

    And a reminder, kids, to not try this pro wrestling stuff at home.

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 17

    Since the brownout in Florida caused fans to miss a couple of iPPV matches, Ring of Honor is putting Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly and All Night Express vs. Young Bucks FREE on YouTube.

  5. BWF Radio WrestleMania 28 Edition

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    Oh, radio, tell me everything you know.  Do you hear voices in the air?  Hear them loud and clear?  Are they telling you to listen?  Then stop listening to Machine Gun Kelly, and start listening to BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  This week, we revisit the old “roundtable” format, as re-joining ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G are Drowgoddess and WonderPod Online’s Jonkind, and making their first BWF appearances are World Wrestling Insanity’s Fritz Stephey and BotchedSpot.com’s James Hornsby.  The seven of them discuss their predictions for WrestleMania 28, including who they think will be the sixth men for Team Teddy and Team Johnny, and what could possibly be the match rumored to be announced the next night for WrestleMania 29.  Check out the podcast for yourself – right click and save as on the link below!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio: WrestleMania 28 Roundtable

  6. BWF Radio 16

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    That’s right, we’re back, and more well produced than ever!  ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G discuss this week in professional wrestling, including the effectiveness of The Rock and John Cena’s promos leading up to their showdown at WrestleMania XXVIII, the Undertaker changing dates, A-Train’s rumored return, and much, much more.  Right click and save the link below to listen, and hit the jump for links to some of the links referenced in this week’s show

    BWF Radio Episode 16


  7. BWF Radio 12

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    Joe, JT, and G are back to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling.  Today’s topics include Jesse Sorensen’s injury, Kurt Angle’s Olympic chances, RAW’s bad editing, Impact’s bad booking, and SmackDown’s bad Elimination Chamber sell.  We also discuss potential future WrestleMania opponents for The Undertaker, who might possibly attack and replace Santino, and the possibility of Santino actually winning the SmackDown Chamber match tonight.  Right click and save the link below to listen!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 12

  8. BWF Radio Episode 11


    ThinkSoJoE and JT return as G continues his streak of episodes.  The trio discuss the wrestling shows that took place this past week, and then provide rants on the state of the business, how wrestling fans are perceived, how “Straight Edge” and “Vegan” are presented as bad things, and much, much more.  Right click and save as on the link below!

    BWF Radio Episode 11

  9. Ring Ka King Debuts in India on Colors TV

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    Ring Ka King, or sometimes referred to as Ra Ka King, has posted their first episode on Colors TV. This venture began by TNA late last year. One of the men behind this show, is David Lagana former WWE writer and founder of the IWantWrestling phenom website that breathed new life into the IWC… until he had to stop that project to take on this one. The venture includes a number of contracted TNA Impact Wrestling performers, as well as some familiar faces like Chavo Guerrero, Chris Master, Sonjay Dutt, and Nick Dinsmore. Thanks to the magical powers of the interwebs, Bored Wrestling Fan will hook you up with a legal way to watch it… Video after the jump.

    Be sure to check here tomorrow for our BWF Radio Royal Rumble preview podcast!
