Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never
5 CommentsPower Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never edition
1. The Miz (5)
The United States Champion nearly took Evan Bourne’s head off, then convinced John Cena and Bret Hart to tell him that they need him. Mr. Money In The Bank returns to the number one slot on the Power Poll because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!
2. John Cena (4)
John Cena managed to even out the playing field with The Nexus this week with the return of Edge and Chris Jericho to Team WWE.
3. Rob Van Dam (8)
Mr. Pay Per View proved it in a hell of a match with longtime ECW rival Sabu at HardCORE Justice. Rob Van Dam carries the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back up the rankings with him this week.
4. Sheamus (3)
The Fellabration continues, although the WWE Champion slips to number 4 in this week’s Power Poll after being shown up by Randy Orton. Destroying the NXT Rookies probably prevented him from slipping further.
5. Randy Orton (1)
Meanwhile, the number one contender drops from the number one spot in our poll. Running Sheamus off doesn’t help The Viper stay at the top.
6. Kane (2)
The lowest ranked World Champion this week is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Kane. Does Rey Mysterio’s accusation that Kane is behind The Undertaker’s attack have anything to do with The Big Red Monster’s dramatic drop this week?
7. Rey Mysterio (7)
Rey Mysterio may or may not be behind the attack on The Undertaker, but one thing’s for sure, he’s behind number 7 for a second straight week here in the Power Poll.
8. Chris Jericho (6)
After a run-in with The Nexus during RAW’s main event, Chris Jericho re-joined Team WWE. He also dropped two spots in the Power Poll. I’d say you’re either Nexus or you’re against us, but I don’t see Wade Barrett and Co. anywhere on this list.
9. Dolph Ziggler (NR)
To further prove that all you have to do to get yourself on the Power Poll is win a championship, Dolph Ziggler won the Intercontinental Championship on Friday Night, now finding himself ranked at number 9.
10. Edge (NR)
Returning to the list this week is another man who re-joined Team WWE after a brawl with The Nexus, The Rated R Superstar, Edge.
The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Hit the Ropes,NoVaWPodcast, Online World of Wrestling, PIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at) gmail.com.