Broken Pencils Episode 5: Stephanie vs Arn 12,000
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Broken Pencils is secretly recorded audio of meetings held between members of WWE’s Creative Writing Staff. In this episode the team welcome a new member onboard by hitting on her and trial the new addition to the WWE App. Card Subject To Change.
Written, Edited & Created by Lev Myskin (please visit Why All The Anger)
Dave…Lev Myskin @WhyAllTheAnger, Brian…Colm Ahern @Colm_Ahern, Stephanie…Rhiannon Story @RhiannonStory, Intern Joe…G Hall @Goftheinternet, John Laurinaitis…Bad News Ramen @BadNewsRamen, Arn 12000…Art Reese @AtomicGrande
Music Credits:
Opening Theme Music…Peter John Ross of
Closing Theme…Theme for Harold var3 Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0