Bored Wrestling Fan Radio Episode 70
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Yup. Just like the Thursday show is called “Superstars”
This week, G’s ass has ripples and JT’s been pretty clogged, while Jorge laughs maniacally and Joe eats brains. Or something like that. Then we put the whole thing through Gizoogle, biatch. RAW recap, Main Event mania, and SmackDown synopsis, followed by some Iron Sheik goodness and the news! When will we see Punk again? Which WWE Hall of Famer almost backed out of the induction ceremony? Who were the WWE Eurocontinental Champions? Why am I asking you? We obviously know the answers, and you can hear us stumble over them by clicking the link below!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 70 (MP3, 2:01:31)
This week’s break song was “Beer” by Psychostick. Buy it here!