Tag Archive: Rough Cuts

  1. “Sacrifice” 2009

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    Greetings, fellow line-crossers!

    It’s time for TNA’s May pay-per-view offering, “Sacrifice.” Will Mick Foley retain the World Heavyweight championship? Will Jeff Jarrett lose all official control of the company he founded? Will Kurt Angle meet the same fate as other Godfathers of note and be overthrown? Will Sting ever wrestle again? Let’s find out.


  2. Late “Impact” Impressions 4/30/09


    Here are links to two good reviews of this week’s “Impact.”




    Real life has gotten in the way of proper reviews lately, so this week, here are some thoughts to accompany the above reviews. Consider it a slight rip-off of our good buddy JT’s “Random Randomness,” except that all points apply to a single “Impact” episode, making it not actually random at all. Did I mention that JT rules? He does.

    1. Angle putting up his leadership position of the Main Event Mafia at “Sacrifice?” Ok. So the MEM will suddenly snap to and follow the lead of someone not named Kurt Angle just because of a match? Who would even want that spot, knowing perfectly well that the MEM would just take them out? Even in wrestling, people aren’t that stupid.

    2. Amazing Red! He was never one of my favorites because he always seemed very sloppy in the ring to me, but I enjoyed watching him back in the early days of TNA, and having him back could be grand. The new look really helps. If you saw his old look, you know of what I speak. Honestly, though, Red’s last work in TNA was long enough ago that lots of current fans have no idea who he is. Having wild surprises is great, but in the case of Red, a few weeks of video packages, or even a “Rough Cuts” segment, would have been more effective. His big return was far from bad, don’t get me wrong. It’s just not a surprise when half your audience is thinking, “Who?”

    3. Amazing Red and Suicide beat the MCMG. So there are other plans for the MCMG besides TNA tag team championship matches. As long as they’re on tv, I can’t complain. However, this is the third match in this tournament (more on that later) in which an established, legitimate tag team was beaten by two guys who were teaming together for the first time. Why? What does that do to make the tag team division look good? If there were a reason for it (injury, team dissension, and so on), then fine, but now No Limit, Lethal Consequences, MCMG, and LAX are all out of the tag team title tournament. Three of those matches were clean losses (not counting the LAX beatdown by the British Invasion). It’s Beer Money and three teams of random guys. This does not count as shaking up the tag team division with new blood! It just looks like any two guys can team up and legitimately beat guys who have been teaming for several years.

    4. The Beautiful People seem to be hanging Madison Rayne out to dry. Funny. The group interaction is always fun to watch.

    5. Cody Deaner and Abyss. Again? This seems to be a feud, but I’m not liking it. Deaner makes me want to change the channel. Was he really worth getting rid of Petey and Sonjay? ODB’s peacock hairdo hurts my soul. 

    6. Mick Foley searches for back-up against Kurt Angle’s invasion of his office. This is actually fun. Mick goes to the MCMG and Samoa Joe and gets nowhere, but watching him try was great. Particularly after his history with Alex Shelley. Suicide is Al Snow?

    7. The British Invasion bit was very well-done. If there had to be a match in the tag team tournament where an established team was beaten by a new one, this was it. Not crazy about the name “British Invasion,” but it could be worse. At least Brutus Magnus is out of the gladiator gimmick. He can only get better working with Doug Williams, and then, everybody wins. Magnus has a good look and isn’t a bad talker, but his ring work was painful to watch up until now. He seems much more comfortable as part of a team. Good. Taking out Hernandez and triple-teaming Homicide made absolute sense. A solid introduction for the faction, and I’m actually looking forward to what they do next. Yes, I’m eating my words from a previously-posted thread. It happens.

    8. Kong squashing Madison Rayne was great, as the fans kept chanting “One more time! One more time!” Don West was appalled and had some great lines about the sick fans.

    9. If you didn’t laugh during the MCMG/Daniels segment, you have no soul. Go to the TNA site and watch the video clip of this segment. It’s actually up. Or just try this.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDacEZvsCOQ It includes such gems as –

    Alex Shelley: You have a wife and two kids at home who play with our action figures!

    Chris Sabin: Why is it that you and Suicide have the exact same build? I mean, let’s face it, that ass is unmistakable!

    Sabin shoves his mic into Daniels’s chest with great force. Daniels is still holding his own mic from entering the ring. Shelley leans over and says, “He already has a mic.” Sabin responds, “I just wanted to hit him.”

    10. I hate the fact that Jenna Morasca has almost the same first name as me. Whatever she’s getting paid should be spent on acting lessons. Immediately.

    11. Daffney and Lauren competing for the affections of Abyss??? Hmm. This could get interesting. I hope Daffney doesn’t get wasted on a non-wrestler, though.

    12. Matt Morgan? Offering his services to the MEM? Uh, ok. It may fit character-wise, but he doesn’t meet the requirements. Lashley does. Morgan/Lashley?

    13. AJ loses because Joe doesn’t show up. Sure, I’m curious, but isn’t this pretty much admitting that there is no Main Event Mafia versus Front Line?

    14. Sting returns. Ok. A bit soon, methinks.

    15. Foley losing his mind and being all over the place is more intriguing than nice-guy Legend Foley. No, I don’t want him at the top of the food chain for a year, but I’m interested in seeing where this goes.


    Peace out,


  3. Hey Hey It’s Wednesday!


    Wednesday. The only day in the week where there is wrestling on your TV. Monday Nights are RAW, Tuesdays have ECW. Thursdays make an iMPACT. Friday nights have SmackDown! Saturday Nights are ROH and Sundays are for Pay-Per-View. Where does that leave Wednesday? Luckily, at BoredWrestlingFan, yours truly has completed your weekly wrestling fix.

    TNA Lockdown

    I’ve been promoting this PPV for weeks. I even talked about this PPV during Wrestlemania week, without talking about Wrestlemania. With all that said, did they let me down? Well, it depends on which way you look at it.

    For those who watched it, I’ve heard mixed reactions, although some of these reactions have come from the same TNA bashers each week who have watched previous PPVs in the past and think that the rest will be the same. However, right here on this very website, our very own Drowgoddess, thought the PPV was at least decent. Infact, she enjoyed it. I didnt watch it, and Drow did, so I will take her word on how good it was. But that doesnt mean I have nothing to say.

    How can Team 3D, have numerous ‘Rough Cuts’ segments, stating how they help the young guys, that they’re not there to be selfish and that they’re there to put over the young guys. Then why in the hell, did they NOT put over Beer Money Inc. at Lockdown? Was it because it was in Philly, your ‘hometown’ so to speak? Brother Ray, Brother Devon, since when did you guys become Bret Hart? It shouldnt matter if your ‘home’ or away, if the jobs to be done, then the jobs to be done. There is absolutely no reason why Team 3D should be the Tag Team Champions at this moment. It seems that you lie to your wrestling school, when you say you help the young guys, because all you done at Lockdown, was squash all the momentum James Storm and Robert Roode had. Thanks a lot Team 3D.

    Suicide needs to be someone new, and not guys like Daniels or Kaz. if Suicide was a new guy, then you could have guys like Daniels, Kaz and Suicide on the roster, whereas this way, only one of Daniels and Kaz can be on the roster, otherwise one will be pulling double-duty every night. Daniels has just come back to the roster as himself, but he also donned the Suicide outfit for Lockdown, which means he wrestled two matches in the night, when he shouldnt of had to. Many people could complain as to why you turned a video game character into a real-life character, but I’m not one of those. The only thing that upsets me about Suicide, is that it isnt someone new in that suit.

    Angelina Love won the KnockOuts belt. It gives Awesome Kong the chance for some time off, which is a good thing. However, is it such a godd thing for everything else. The Beautiful People is a good heel group in the KnockOuts division, especially since Kute Kip stopped hanging around, and they recruited Madison Rayne. The problem with Angelina Love with the belt is this, she has zero ability. It would be like, Lauren winning the belt. Thats how much ability she has, and plus, it will probably lead to a rift between Love and fellow members Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne, which will lead to the break-up of the group, which can only mean bad things for TNA. Sure, they have SoJo Bolt and Rhaka Khan as heels, but against the face core of Taylor Wilde, Roxxi, ODB, Kong, Raisha Saeed and Daffney, it is pivotial in this columnist’s opinion that they dont break up the Beautiful People over the title. But I suppose, like everything else in the world, only time will tell.

    MotorCity Machine Guns retained the belts. Nice to see TNA actually see them as a Tag Team champion, even if it is only the Junior IWGP Tag Team Champions. They’re still champions. A note to Team 3D, have these guys beat you for your Tag gold. Thats right, you say you help the young guys, but you’d just rather squash. Sorry for suggesting you actually lose clean.

    ODB won Queen of the Cage, thus becoming #1 contender for the KnockOuts title. Who is that guy with her? Since when did they hire Joe Dirt? JT would’ve been a better winner.

    Abyss, Matt Morgan, Tean Jarrett and Team Angle? Meh.

    Sting and Mick Foley. We have a new champion folks, and it’s Mick Foley. You know Mick Foley, he was thrown off a cage in 1996. He won his first major title as Mankind in 1998. It’s nice to see Sting putting over the young guys. Great job, Sting! I dont care how good the match may have been. It’s a joke that Foley is champ. Isnt he the Commish, or the Executive Shareholder or something like that? How can an authority figure win the belt? It’s like when Vince McMahon won the 1998 Royal Rumble, only Foley’s win makes no sense. Foley equals Ratings, bullshit. Pushing the young guys, and providing an actual wrestling show. That equals Ratings.

    WWE Backlash

    The Pay-Per-View is this Sunday. You think i’m lying don’t you? I promise you, I’m not. I wish I was though, because the matches they are providing doesnt exactly show a ‘great’ PPV. let me show you.

    The Main Event has the Legacy (Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes), face off against the team of Shane McMahon, Batista and the WWE Champion, Triple H. The stipulation is as follows. If any members of Randy Orton’s team wins, then Randy Orton wins the title, however, if any members of Triple H’s team wins, then Triple H retains the title. Judging by the tension between Shane and Batista on RAW the past weeks, and Batista’s spear on Shane during the Orton/HHH NoDQ match on RAW this past week, I can say with great security, that Batista gets the pin for his team, then lays claim to the title, and challenges Triple H.

    John Cena defends the World Heavyweight Championship, against the former holder, Edge, in a Last Man Standing match. Is it just me, or have these two feuded since New Year’s Revolution 2007, when Edge cashed in Money in the Bank, after Cena survivng the Elimination Chamber? This is about the only match that these two havent competed in against each other, besides Hell In A Cell. Cena doesnt interest me, and Edge, well, maybe with Vickie Guerrero on RAW now, he can become a heel on his own accord, rather than using the likes of Lita, and Vickie to help him get there.

    Jack Swagger defends the ECW Championship against Christian. Yes, really. The ECW Title is being defended on Pay-Per-View. Shocking. Anyways, after the four-way, three-match elimination process, which saw Mark Henry, Tommy Dreamer and Finlay eliminated. Christian winds up as number one contender. This gives them one-week, two shows (ECW and Superstars), to build this match into any insignificance. With Swagger’s poor performance at No Way Out, many say he’s being punished. If that’s the case, then Swagger has an uphill ride ahead of him if he wants to get back to the levels he’s at now.

    Chris Jericho vs Ricky Steamboat. It seems those in the WWE were impressed with Steamboat’s performance at Wrestlemania, that they’ve decided to book him in a match, against Jericho. Another match with pretty much zero buildup, which doesnt sound good. However, we know Jericho can go, it depends on if Steamboat can go at least ten minutes to make this match anything.

    Jeff Hardy faces his brother Matt in an ‘I Quit’ match. This sure seems to be the PPV for gimmicks, doesnt it? I thought their gimmick PPV was a entitled ‘Extreme Rules’ and it was in June? Hmmm, I must be mistaken. This looks like the match to end the feud between the Hardy Boyz, which has stemmed since the Survivor Series. The fans utterly adore Jeff, so let’s hope he puts over his brother Matt, to give him the push. Otherwise, it’s a TNA-story all over again.

    Khali kissing ‘Santina’ on Khali-kiss cam? Your kidding me, right? No? This is really happening. A guy in drag, is gonna kiss a big, useless guy whose claim to fame is being an extra in the re-make of the Longest Yard. I will use a quote, from US tennis great John McEnroe here when I say “You can’t be serious”.

    CM Punk vs Kane? Since when? Apparently, this match stems from the end of the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania, in which Punk kicked Kane off the ladder, in order to grab the briefcase. The only other build-up this match has had, was a match on RAW between the two (remember, CM Punk and Kane were both drafted to SmackDown!, so why are they competing on RAW is my question), in which Punk countered the Chokeslam into a roll-up into a three count. Why do I get the feeling that Backlash is like one big jigsaw, that has been put together very rushed and all the pieces are in the wrong spot.

    This PPV doesnt make me think it’s a must-watch, or even a maybe-watch. Maybe it’s the PPV after Wrestlemania. Maybe it’s the rush job they have done in creating matches, or maybe it’s me wanting to watch SummerSlam ’99 again. Whatever the reason, I’m staying away from Backlash.

    WWE Vintage Collection

    This, I have to say, is the only WWE show, I enjoy watching. For those who havent seen it, it’s hosted by ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund, and it’s an hour log show, remembering the shows of yesteryear. Anything from past Wrestlemanias, to U.K. only specials, to weekly shows from the 80s. It’s an old-school fan’s delight, and now, starting this week, I am recapping this show for WorldWrestlingInsanity.com, due to leave taken by their usual recapper. Whether it’s only a part-time gig, or whether it’s a more permanent role remains to be seen, but my first recap from what I understand, will appear at WorldWrestlingInsanity.com today! Go check it out, and enjoy the Battle Royal at Royal Albert Hall from October 3, 1991.

    That’s it for another Wednesday. Be sure to check back each and every day for various columns and results from the fellow Bored Wrestling Fan crew. But, from this columnist, I bid you adieu.