Tag Archive: seat filler

  1. Smackdown: 08/26/11 Seat Filler Diary 3


    On Tuesday, the WWE trucks pulled into Calgary to tape Smackdown. Once again, I had the privilege to be a seat filler and temporary WWE staff member. I will break down the episode as it appears on TV, and live in person. I will also comment on my third consecutive opportunity to be a seat filler.

    A special thanks to pintnoir who covered Impact Wrestling for our sites this week! Let’s get to it, shall we?

  2. Seat Filler Diary 2: RAW 10/18/10


    Well folks, it’s Monday Night RAW in Calgary! And once again, I reprised my role as a “seat filler” to ensure that the on air product appears to be full and energized (or at least what you good people saw on television). We’ll see if I can hack a wifi connection and get this up tonight. I won’t be recapping everything, just pointing out some stuff I saw that you at home did not.