Tag Archive: Shareholder

  1. Bored Wrestling Fan turns 1!


    It’s been a year already?  Normally after a year, I get bored with websites I create and they sit around with no updates – case in point.  BoredWrestlingFan.com is different.  After a year, BWF still updates nearly every day, sometimes several times a day.  Our fan base continues to grow, and so does our site.

    A big thank you to JT (who was the only person to have seen the BWF prototype besides myself), Drowgoddess (who is now the Executive Shareholder of BWF – she paid the 10 bucks to renew the domain), Legend Killer, and tharvey1.  I couldn’t do this without you guys.  A thank you to Vincent Kennedy McMahon, whose World Wrestling Federation got me into professional wrestling at a young age.  Thank you to Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff for revitalizing wrestling in the ’90s.  Thank you to Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter for kinda sorta keeping Vince on his toes.  And mostly, thank you to all of the BWF readers for keeping us going when the shows start to suck (I’m looking at you, RAW).

    Here’s to another great year of growth for BoredWrestlingFan!