Tag Archive: Shout Out

  1. BWF Radio: Episode 21

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    Coming off of a great Extreme Rules PPV from WWE, ThinkSoJoE, G, and JT discuss the week in professional wrestling, including all the wrestling news that has come out this week.  We plug ROH Border Wars, discuss the Beastie Boys, and speculate on Sting and Goldust.  All this, and much, much more on this shout-out happy episode of BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 21 (MP3, 1:47:24)

    NOTE:  The correct e-mail address for the RAW Blogger position is contact@boredwrestlingfan.com

    Little Jimmy in action!

  2. Another Birthday!


    Boredwrestlingfan.com is proud to announce another special November birthday. It’s November 22. Let’s give a huge shout-out to a fantastic musician, a guy who generally totally reeks of awesomeness, a seriously drop-dead sexy beast, and unquestionably one of the three most desirable men of the Northern Hemisphere –


  3. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody.  This week’s episode of Superstars was fairly entertaining.  It at least furthered some storylines.

    Match 1: Carlito vs Primo

    Throughout the match, Carlito looked really apprehensive about apply any offense to his brother.  The end of the match saw Carlito grab a mic and tell Primo to quit wasting his career and rejoin with him.  Now the Colon’s are back together as a tag team contender and this match has no ending.

    Match 2: Chavo Guerrero vs Chris Masters

    This was the typical Superstars match-up that we normally get.  Two guys that have no real direction and are thus thrown into a random match.  Masters gets the win with the Masterlock after countering the Three Amigos.

    Backstage Segment:

    Michelle McCool and Layla walk into Kelly Kelly’s locker room and tell her she stinks, then try to hold her down for Vickie Guerrero to spray her with deodorant.  Beth Phoenix and Tiffany walk in and break it up.

    Main Event:  Shad Gaspard vs JTG

    This match was a good Superstars main event because it was a rematch from the Extreme Rules PPV.  Shad gets the win with the STO after blocking a Shout Out.  This fued is dying out now, especially considering they put it on Superstars.  We shall have to wait and see where these two go after this.

    That’s it for this week.  Check back in again next week for another Superstars.

  4. WWE Superstars

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    Happy New Year BWFers.  Last night was the final WWE program of the decade.  Hope you had a safe holidays.  Due to time constraints, I will only provide the results of the show. 

    Match 1:  Melina vs Alicia Fox

    Winner:  Melina via Sunset Flip Bomb

    Match 2:  Shelton Benjamin vs Vance Archer

    Winner:  Shelton Benjamin via DQ after Archer was called for a 5 count in the corner. 

    Match 3:  Cryme Tyme vs Mike Knox and Charlie Haas

    Winner:  Cryme Tyme via JTG’s Shout Out

    Main Event:  MVP and Chris Masters vs Jack Swagger and Carlito

    Winner:  Swagger and Carlito via Carlito’s Backstabber

    Have a great 2010, Peeps!  See ya next week.