Tag Archive: Sitcom

  1. Broken Pencils #2 (x-post).

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    Broken Pencils Episode 2Broken Pencils Logo

    Well after a long wait due to various trips, excursions and umm…jaunts, episode 2 of my Audio Wrestling Sitcom Podcast Radio Play Thingy (that’s the technical term) Broken Pencils is here for your enjoyment.

    It’s a wonderful process making these podcasts. The fact that I can write it, record it and edit it all within 2 days makes the process far more enjoyable.

    The following appears courtesy of http://www.whyalltheanger.co.uk/

    [youtube AW6eKizBLJQ]

    If I had to spend weeks listening to my own voice while editing I think I’d go slowly insane and end up talking in character for the rest of my days. Come to think of it I’m half way there already.

    So if you like it, like it (on YouTube), spread the word and, on a separate note, you might want to subscribe to my RSS feed at the top there. It’ll save you the hassle of having to open your favourites bar and click on my page once a day, those are clicks which you could be using to donate to charity or look at cute videos of kittens and such.

    Written, Edited & Created by Lev Myskin

    Dave…Lev Myskin @WhyAllTheAngerBrian…Colm Ahern @Colm_AhernAllison…Alice Radley @AliceRadley, Intern Joe…@Goftheinternet @Goftheinternet,John Laurinitis…Bad News Ramen @BadNewsRamen

    Music…Peter John Ross of Sonnyboo.com
